1.0 | Assign multiple staff members to one section for a couple of classes. | Assign multiple staff members to one section for a couple of classes. Expected Result, Multiple staffSectionAssociations can be created for one section. | POST on /staffSectionAssociation
{ "sectionReference": { "schoolId": 7525, "localCourseCode": "LCC-121941", "schoolYear": 2021, "sectionIdentifier": "Section-121941", "sessionName": "Sessions-121941" }, "staffReference": { "staffUniqueId": "1001001001" }, "classroomPositionDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ClassroomPositionDescriptor#03187", "beginDate": "2020-07-01", "endDate": "2021-06-05" }Create a StaffSchoolAssociation for a staff record that exists in the WISEid system | Prerequisites: The following records need to be posted to the WISEdata API before posting the /staffSchoolAssociation resource: When the staff is present in the district within the WISEid system, LEA/SIS can post /staffSchoolAssociation by using the staff WISEid from the /staff resource. | |
2.0 | Create a StaffSchoolAssociation for a staff record that does NOT exist in the WISEid system | Prerequisites: The following records need to be posted to the WISEdata API before posting the /staffSchoolAssociation resource: When a staff member is NOT present in the district within the WISEid system, the LEA/SIS must follow these steps to successfully post the /staffSchoolAssociation: Create or search for the staff member in WISEid using the Identity API. Post the /staff resource. Post the /staffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation resource.
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