Information about Local Education Agencies (LEAs) may be obtained from the WISEdata API via a GET request on the /localEducationAgencies endpoint. For more information, visit /localEducationAgencies
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title | Click here to view all data properties under the /chartOfAccounts endpoint: |
# | Property Name | Data Type | Business Definition |
1.0 | accountIdentifier | string | The full 18-digit account string (“00T000000000000000”) | 2.0 | educationOrganizationId | integer | For restricted accounts, It will be LEAID; otherwise DPI 48856 | 3.0 | fiscalYear | integer | Fiscal year for which the COA is in effect for LEA accounting and reporting (e.g. 2020 for fiscal year 2020, the 2019-2020 school year) | 3.0 | educationOrganizationId | integer | For restricted accounts, It will be LEAID; otherwise DPI 48856 | 4.0 | fiscalYear (under each Dimension Reference) | integer | The fiscal year for which the account dimension is valid | 5.0 | FundCode | string | Fund: the fund from which monies are being expended; The two-digit WUFAR fund associated with the account | 56.0 | ProgramCode | string | Not used by WI. "Program" in NPEFS means regular ed, special ed, vocational ed, or other; WUFAR identifies this information by fund and function | 67.0 | FunctionCode | string | Function: the function for which the funds are being spent; The six-digit WUFAR function associated with the account | 78.0 | ObjectCode | string | Object: the object on which the funds are being spent, the three-digit WUFAR object or source code associated with the account. Exists only with expenditure accounts | 89.0 | ProjectCode | string | Project: A code used to track expenditures associated with a particular grant, aid program, or other locally identified project. DPI assigns project codes for DPI-administered funding programs | 910.0 | SourceCode | string | Source: the source of funds, the three-digit WUFAR object or source code associated with the account. Exists only with revenue accounts. | 1011.0 | accountName | string | The descriptive name given to an account | 1113.0 | accountTypeDescriptor | string | Indicates the type of the account.one of the descriptor should be selected matching to the the third digit in the account identifier. | 1314.0 | reportingTagDescriptor | string | A ReportingTagdescriptor will be collection used at chart of account levels to demote the F33, CRDC,SLFS,ESSATag etc. Ex: A COA would map to the Salary section on the F33 report- reporting tag would be F33, value would be Salary | 1415.0 | tagValue | string | N/A |
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