Click here to view all the use cases pertaining to the /localAccounts endpoint:
Use Case Title
Use Case Description
What to Submit/retrieve
Sending local accounts at the school-level
LEAs may submit local accounts that exactly map to the rolled up DPI chart of accounts when they don’t submit granular-level chart of accounts. DPI expects LEAs to submit Actuals and Budgets to the Local Account which is referenced to the DPI chart of account.
For the local accounts chosen to be submitted at the school-level, the educationOrganizationId would be the 'School ID', and the school-level local account would roll up to DPI WUFAR chart of accounts on /localAccounts
POST on /localAccount: accountIdentifier: 10E200120110000141 fiscalYear: 2020 chartOfAccountReference: accountIdentifier: 10E000100110000000 educationOrganizationId: 48856 fiscalYear: 2020 educationOrganizationReference: educationOrganizationId: 2730
Sending local accounts at the district-level
For the local accounts chosen to be submitted at the district-level, the educationOrganizationId would be the 'LEA ID', and the location code is 000 in that 18 digit string
POST on /localAccount: accountIdentifier: 10E800230251100000 fiscalYear: 2020 chartOfAccountReference: accountIdentifier: 10E000230251100000 educationOrganizationId: 48856 fiscalYear: 2020 educationOrganizationReference: educationOrganizationId: 6826
Sening the LEA local account more granular than the DPI chart of accounts
The Object or Source can be submitted at more granular level than DPI chart of account.
Example :
[Fund-Type-Location-Object or Source-Function-Program/Project]
10-E-000-100-110000-000 / Salaries
AccountType remains same as DPI account
Fund-Type-Location-Object or Source-Function-Program/Project]
POST on /localAccount: accountIdentifier: 10E100165110020000 fiscalYear: 2020 chartOfAccountReference: accountIdentifier: 10E000100110000000 educationOrganizationId: 48856 fiscalYear: 2020 educationOrganizationReference: educationOrganizationId: 2730
Sending the LEA locat accoutn with any Function beginning with 5
Local accounts with Function beginning with 5 should be mapped to 000000.
Example :
[Fund-Type-Location-Object or Source-Function-Program/Project]
10-R-000-100-000000-000 / State Equalization Aid
WUFAR defines function 500000 as “district-wide” that is still used by some districts in revenue accounts. In order to validate local account functions are consistent with reporting accounts, we need to make sure that any 5xxxxx function is mapped to reporting function 000000.
Fund-Type-Location-Object or Source-Function-Program/Project]
10-R-800-621-500000-000 / State Aid Equalization account
POST on /localAccount: accountIdentifier: 10R800621500000000 fiscalYear: 2020 chartOfAccountReference: accountIdentifier: 10R000621000000000 educationOrganizationId: 48856 fiscalYear: 2020 educationOrganizationReference: educationOrganizationId: 1302
Sending reporting tag for local accounts
LEAs should be able to submit the local account identifier with an ESSA tag as Exclusion or ProjectProject tag along with associated Project dimension.