WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs
Immunization Registry
Jaidaa Shafaei
The Immunization Registry Integration allows SIS vendors to integrate with the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR), which is operated by the Department of Health Services (DHS). SIS vendors that implement this optional integration provide a means for their schools and districts to automatically pull down immunization data from the WIR, including vaccine groups, vaccine codes, administration dates, and other details. This automation not only saves significant amounts of staff time but also improves the accuracy of immunization data entered in the SIS. The Immunization Registry Integration is an opt-in feature for LEAs, meaning LEAs have to actively take action in order to show their interest in using this feature. For more details, visit Immunization Registry Integration.
This integration is expected from Choice schools.
This project is just to pass through immunization data from WIR to SIS vendors. SIS vendors are NOT expected to submit data back to WIR, nor to WISEdata Portal.
The immunization opt-in/out is set up by the LEA through an application called WISEadmin. The default option in WISEadmin is opt-out.
Vendors should consider having a SIS configuration to turn the immunization integration OFF by default, and the user has to explicitly flip the switch (first in WISEadmin then the SIS to turn it ON)
DPI is facilitating the integration between SIS vendors and WIR through the WISEdata API, allowing SIS end-users to retrieve immunization data on demand for an individual student (not bulk), and to ingest this data directly into the SIS.
The matching process is handled by DHS.
SIS vendors will send a GET call via the WISEdata API using the student WISEid that will return back the status of the given student
SIS vendors should only send a GET call when:
New students for whom the school does not have any immunization information.
Students when assessed by the SIS are not compliant per the student’s grade and required immunization. (see page #5 - https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p4/p44545.pdf)
Students who are moving into a grade at which the State immunization requirements change and when assessed by the SIS the student is not compliant.
Please refer to the WISEdata Ed-Fi Immunization Programmer’s Guide for more information: Programmer's Guide for Immunization Registry Integration
Vaccine List:
The latest vaccine list may be found in WIR [ FORMS > Data Exchange Specs > Vaccine Code List].
Updates to the Vaccine Code list are managed by DHS. If you would like to be added to the DHS data exchange communication that address vaccine code updates, scheduled system downtime, etc. -- submit a request via email to the WIR Help Desk (dhswirhelp@dhs.wisconsin.gov). Please include this information:
Vendor name
Name – e.g. John Smith
Email – e.g. john.smith@sisvendor.com
Phone # - 715-555-1212
Data Properties:
# | Property Name | Data Type | Public (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Choice (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Business Definition |
1.0 | statusCode | string | OPT | OPT | 0=Reject (WiR found an error with the DPI request - contact DPI); 1=Success; 2=MultipleMatches (If there are multiple matches please make sure the students information match in both EdFi and WiR); 3=NotFound (If there are no matches please make sure the students information match in both EdFi and WiR) |
2.0 | statusMessage | string | OPT | OPT | The message corresponding to the status. |
| data. ImmunizationsStudentHistory | array | OPT | OPT | This array includes patient identifier, student information, student demographics submitted to DHS, Immunization records from DHS ImmunizationStudentResponse |
3.0 | patientIdentifier | array | OPT | OPT | Components 1 (ID Number), 4 (Assigning Authority) and 5 (Identifier Type Code) are required in the PID-3 field. When a Provider Organization is sending to WIR, use the sending system’s Chart Number or other identifier if available. If a Provider Organization sends the client’s WIR ID (use “SR” as the identifier type code) in addition to a chart number, the WIR ID will be used to locate the client. ImmunizationsPatientIdentifier |
4.0 | studentReference | array | OPT | OPT | studentUniqueid |
5.0 | studentEducationOrganizationReference | array | OPT | OPT | edfi_studentOrganizationAssociationReference |
6.0 | PharmacyTreatmentAdminitrations | array | OPT | OPT | ImmunizationPharmacyTreatmentAdministration NameOfCodingSyste (string): Identifies the coding scheme being used in the identifier component. The combination of the identifier and name of coding system |
Use Cases:
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
1.0 | Search for a student who has a primary enrollment in the LEA requesting Immunization record, and an exact match in WIR. | Via API submit a student a primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [2488013423] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records Last name: ADJTESTB Note: SIS vendors should restrict users from editing immunization data (that comes from WIR through the Immunization endpoint) after it's pulled from the API into the SIS. This is because when SIS compare against API for updates or deletes, the records edited by SIS users will not match with WIR and it could be treated as update which is incorrect. |
1.1 | Via API submit a GET request on /immunizations for WISEid [2488013423] that has an SSA from in the requesting LEA. | All immunization data associated with the WISEid are returned Status Code: 1 (=Success) Administered Date: 2013-12-12 Administered Date: 2020-05-29, | |
2.0 | Search for a student who has a non-primary (PPP or coursework) enrollment in the LEA requesting Immunization record, and an exact match in WIR. | Via API submit a student non-primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [6844685075] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records Last name: PPP |
2.1 | Via API submit a GET request for WISEid [6844685075] that has an SSA from in the requesting LEA. | All immunization data associated with the WISEid are returned, and statusCode: 1 (=Success) statusCode: 1, | |
3.0 | Search for a student who does NOT have an enrollment in the LEA requesting Immunization record, and an exact match in WIR. | Delete SSA amd SEOA for WISEid [2488013423] | Successfully delete student enrollment and demographic records |
3.1 | Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [2488013423], but SSA is held by a different LEA. | No immunization data is returned for the WISEid; and SIS should display a response that says: "The student does not exist or this ApiKey is not authorized for the student (no StudentSchoolAssociation for the student associated with LocalEduacationAgencyId(s)" | |
Student has multiple matches in WIR | |||
4.0 | Search for a student who has an enrollment in the LEA requesting Immunization record, but multiple matches found in WIR. | Via API submit a student a primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [6425857361] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records Last name: Client |
4.1 | Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [6425857361] that has an SSA from in the requesting LEA. | No immunization data is returned and statusCode: 2 (=MultipleMatches) SIS should display a response that says: "Multiple matches found in WIR. You need to log into WIR to see available matches" | |
Student has NO matches in WIR | |||
5.0 | Search for a student who has an enrollment in the LEA requesting Immunization record, but no match is in WIR. | Via API submit a student a primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [4750081734] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records Last name: DPI |
5.1 |
| Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid with an SSA from in the requesting LEA. | No immunization data is returned for the WISEid, and statusCode: 3 (=NotFound) SIS should display a response that says: "No matches found" |
Single vs. Multi-Component Vaccines | |||
6.0 | Immunization user interface in SIS | Demo how SIS interface and how student's immunization information are displayed | Minimum required immunizations, which each student should have received since birth for the age or grade of the student, are displayed correctly, including vaccinations info and the date vaccine administered. Vendors may display all returned vaccinations not only the required ones. |
7.0 | Search for a student who has a single component vaccines | Via API submit a student a primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [2488013423] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records Last name: ADJTESTB |
7,1 | Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [2488013423] | Example response: "administeredDate": "2020-05-29T00:00:00Z", If the immunization is NOT a multi-component vaccine, only one CVX code identifying the immunization will be returned . This a straightforward use case. | |
8.0 | Search for a student who has vaccines that contain multiple components vaccines (combination vaccines) Combination Vaccines: Combination vaccines merge equivalent component vaccines into single products to prevent more than one disease or to protect against multiple strains of infectious agents causing the same disease. | Via API submit a student a primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [8145188149] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records Last name: Test |
8.1 | Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [8145188149] | Example: "administeredDate": "2018-04-10", When a combination vaccine covering more than one series is administered, vendors should handle as following:
| |
9.0 | Immunizations with unspecified formulation | Via API submit a student a primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [2488013423] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records |
9.1 |
| Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [2488013423] | Example response: "administeredDate": "2014-05-29T00:00:00Z", |
Other Use Cases | |||
10.0 | Search for a student who has an enrollment in the LEA requesting Immunization record, an exact match in WIR, but WISEid is invalid | Via API submit a GET request with an invalid WISEid (invalid format, missing digits, etc.) | The SIS should display an appropriate response when the WISEid is invalid |
11.0 | SIS deduplication process and manual resolution | Via API submit a student a primary enrollment and demographics records (SSA and SEOA) for WISEid [8145188149] | Successfully submits student enrollment and demographic records |
12.0 | Vaccine record is already entered in the SIS. API response inculdes the same vaccine and same administered date | Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [8145188149] | SIS should identifies when records have previously been entered in SIS, and prevents overrides and redundant record creation. |
13.0 | Vaccine record is already entered in the SIS. API response includes the same vaccine but different administered date | Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [8145188149] | Example: pharmacyTreatmentAdministrations: administeredDate: 2018-08-10, If a vaccine already entered in the SIS, and the same vaccine is returned but with different administered date, then SIS should handle as following:
14.0 | SIS handling of deleted immunization record from WIR | SIS should have built-in schedule comparison tool to identify records that are deleted in WIR then remove them from SIS | If a vaccine already entered in the SIS from WIR, and the same vaccine is deleted, then SIS should delete the vaccine |
15.0 | SIS handling of updated immunization record from WIR (Health providers or school nurse may update an existing vaccine date in WIR) | Via API submit a GET request with a single valid WISEid [8145188149] Note : For the records that are pulled from Immunization response end point (source is WIR), SIS could do a scheduled task to compare against the API which determines if a vaccine is deleted. Modified records could be handled like a deleted vaccine date, and the comparison will determine if a vaccine date was changed or deleted. | If a vaccine already entered in the SIS from WIR, and the same vaccine is administered date is updated then SIS should handle as following:
JSON Sample:
"statusCode": 1,
"data": {
"patientIdentifier": {
"id": "2851486",
"assigningAuthority": "WIA",
"identifierTypeCode": "SR",
"name": {
"firstName": "BERTRAND",
"middleName": "B",
"lastSurname": "ADJTESTB",
"generationCodeSuffix": "",
"prefix": ""
"mothersMaidenName": {
"firstName": "BETTY",
"lastSurname": "BOYLE"
"birthDate": "2012-02-28T00:00:00Z",
"sex": "M",
"race": "",
"address": {
"street": "1131 N Sherman Ave",
"other": "",
"city": "MADISON",
"state": "WI",
"zip": "53704",
"country": ""
"multipleBirthIndicator": false,
"birthOrder": ""
"studentReference": {
"studentUniqueId": "2488013423",
"link": {
"rel": "Student",
"href": "/ed-fi/students/85a6a6a61d3a46de8b6e84e51f0562b4"
"studentEducationOrganizationAssociationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 13434,
"studentUniqueId": "2488013423",
"link": {
"rel": "StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation",
"href": "/ed-fi/studentEducationOrganizationAssociations/535ac534f1a3404596738a54bc536dff"
"pharmacyTreatmentAdministrations": [
"administeredDate": "2020-05-29",
"administeredCode": {
"identifier": "28", --- CVX code from vaccine list
"text": "DT-Peds", --- Vaccine Name from Vaccine List, or whichever value returned from WIR
"nameOfCodingSystem": "CVX",
"alternateIdentifier": "DT", --- Trade Name from Vaccine List
"alternatetext": "DT-Peds", ---- Vaccine Name from Vaccine List
"alternateNameOfCodingSystem": "WVTN"
"waiver": ""
"administeredDate": "2020-05-29",
"administeredCode": {
"identifier": "02",
"text": "Polio-Oral",
"nameOfCodingSystem": "CVX",
"alternateIdentifier": "ORIMUNE",
"alternateText": "Polio-Oral",
"alternateNameOfCodingSystem": "WVTN"
"waiver": ""
"administeredDate": "2020-05-29",
"administeredCode": {
"identifier": "45",
"text": "Hep B, unspecified formulation",
"nameOfCodingSystem": "CVX",
"alternateIdentifier": "90731",
"alternateText": "Hep B, unspecified formulation",
"alternateNameOfCodingSystem": "C4"
"waiver": ""
"administeredDate": "2020-05-29",
"administeredCode": {
"identifier": "03",
"text": "MMR",
"nameOfCodingSystem": "CVX",
"alternateIdentifier": "MMR II",
"alternateText": "MMR",
"alternateNameOfCodingSystem": "WVTN"
"waiver": ""
"administeredDate": "2014-10-02",
"administeredCode": {
"identifier": "",
"text": "",
"nameOfCodingSystem": "",
"alternateIdentifier": "Rho(D)IV",
"alternateText": "Rho(D)IV",
"alternateNameOfCodingSystem": "WVTN"
"waiver": ""
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