WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs
/contacts (aka. /parents)
Jaidaa Shafaei
Reporting parent and guardian information to WISEdata Portal helps enable WISEdata to integrate with more services, including the Wisconsin eSchool Network, food service programs and some special education vendors.
Starting the 2023-24 SY, vendors are required to program the /contacts (a.k.a parents) and /studentContactAssociations (a.k.a. studentParentAssociations) endpoints to allow LEAs to report the report parent and guardian data to WISEdata Portal data when needed. If any LEA participates in a Food Service program in which students receive meals through these federal school meal programs, National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), these endpoints are required. WISEdata Portal has a validation message to require parent and guardian data (Name, Address) for students who qualify for free and reduced-priced meals.
This endpoint is expected from Choice schools.
Ed-Fi Tech Docs:
v5 Contact > Contact (25/26 SY and later)
https://techdocs.ed-fi.org/display/EDFICERT/v3+Parent+%3E+Parent (24/25 SY and prior)
Data Properties:
# | Property Name | Data Type | Public (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Choice (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Business Definition | Data Element Page |
1.0 A | contactUniqueId* (25/26 SY and later) | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a parent. contactUniqueId: [LEA ID+’-’+contact unique ID in SIS system] | |
1.0 B | parentUniqueId* (24/25 SY and prior) | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a parent. parentUniqueId: [LEA ID+’-’+contact unique ID in SIS system] | |
2.0 | firstName | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. | NA |
3.0 | middleName | string | OPT | OPT | A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony. | NA |
4.0 | LastSurname | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | The name borne in common by members of a family. | NA |
5.0 | generationCodeSuffix | string | OPT | OPT | An appendage, if any, used to denote an individual's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). | NA |
6.0 | parentAddress | array | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | An unordered collection of contactAddresses. Parent's address, if different from the student address and/or [Placeholder] when the student's Economically Disadvantaged Type (FRAN) is either 'Free' or 'Reduced'. | NA |
7.0 | addressTypeDescriptor | string | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | The type of address listed for an individual or organization. Values are: Mailing, and Home. | NA |
8.0 | streetNumberName | string | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | The street number and street name or post office box number of an address. | NA |
9.0 | apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | string | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | The apartment, room, or suite number of an address. | NA |
10.0 | city | string | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | The name of the city in which an address is located. | NA |
11.0 | stateAbbreviationDescriptor | string | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | The abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located. | NA |
12.0 | postalCode | string | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | CONDITIONALLY REQ’D | The five or nine digit zip code or overseas postal code portion of an address. | NA |
13.0 | parentElectronicMail | array | OPT | OPT | An unordered collection of parentElectronicMails. The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs. | NA |
14.0 | electronicMailTypeDescriptor | string | OPT | OPT | The type of email listed for an individual or organization. Values are: Home/Personal, or Work | NA |
15.0 | electronicMailAddress | string | OPT | OPT | The electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for an individual or organization. | NA |
16.0 | parentLanguage | array | OPT | OPT | An unordered collection of parentLanguages. The language(s) the individual uses to communicate. It is strongly recommended that entries use only ISO 639-2 language codes. | NA |
17.0 | languageDescriptor | string | OPT | OPT | A specification of which written or spoken communication is being used. | NA |
18.0 | parentTelephone | array | OPT | OPT | An unordered collection of parentTelephones. The 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the person. | NA |
19.0 | telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | string | REQ'D | OPT | The type of communication number listed for an individual or organization. Values are: Mobile (M); Home (H); Work (W); and Other (O). | NA |
20.0 | telephoneNumber | string | REQ'D | OPT | The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable. | NA |
NameSpace | Code Value | Short Description | Long Description |
NameSpace | Code Value | Short Description | Long Description |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor | H | Home | Home |
M | Mailing | Mailing | |
uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor | There are over 60 values for state abbreviation. See the Swagger documentation for descriptor values https://uaapps.dpi.wi.gov/EdFiSwagger/index.html?urls.primaryName=Descriptors#/stateAbbreviationDescriptors | ||
uri://dpi.wi.gov/ElectronicMailTypeDescriptor | H | Home/Personal | Home/Personal |
W | Work | Work | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor | There are over 400 values for language. See the Swagger documentation for descriptor values https://uaapps.dpi.wi.gov/EdFiSwagger/index.html?urls.primaryName=Descriptors#/languageDescriptors | ||
uri://dpi.wi.gov/TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | H | Home | Home |
M | Mobile | Mobile | |
O | Other | Other | |
W | Work | Work |
Use Cases:
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
1.0 | Sending parent/guardian information for each parent/guardian | The /contact and /studentContactAssociation resources have been renamed to /contacts and /studentContactAssociation starting 25-26 SY. The parent/guardian data collection is optional for LEAs to submit to WISEdata.
For 2024-25 SY, the parent/guardian data collection has been updated to include legal guardian information, living arrangements, and primary contact status. These new data elements will facilitate the distribution of Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (S-EBT) cards to families, ensuring a more targeted and efficient outreach strategy based on the enhanced data insights. Additional considerations: • The vendor authorization is based on that LEA ID prefix (e.g. 5006058-JS007), which is the LEA ID in the target year, i.e. 2021-22 SY. • The order for posting JSON is: /student, /studentSchoolAssociation, /parent, then /studentParentAssociation • The First Name, Last Name, and Parent Unique ID are required data properties. Other data properties are optional. • Without posting the /studentParentAssociation record, vendor cannot do a GET on /parent • The /Parent record cannot be updated until the /studentParentAssociation record is posted. | POST on /contacts: POST on /studentPContactAssociations: "contactReference": |
2.0 | Sending the student's parent/guardian information for a student who resides with their mother, but the legal guardian is the grandparent | The student resides with their mother (livesWith: true), but the legal guardian is the grandparent (legalGuardian: true). The mother in this example is marked as the primary contact (primaryContactStatus: true). | POST on /contact "contactReference": POST on /contact "contactReference": |
3.0 | Sending the student's parent/guardian information for a student who lives with the grandparent, but the father is identified as the legal guardian | The father is identified as the legal guardian (legalGuardian: true), but the student lives with the grandparent (livesWith: true), who is also in this example assigned as the primary contact (primaryContactStatus: true). | POST on /contact "contactReference": POST on /contact "contactReference": |
4.0 | Submit the student's parent/guardian information for Milwaukee School District (This only applies to vendors that support Carmen Schools and Milwaukee College Prep 'MCP') | Milwaukee School District uses three different SIS vendors. Therefore, vendors supporting Carmen and MCP schools will need to included something to differentiate the parents from MPS and each other. SIS vendors can use the individual Schoolid as part of the ContactUniqueId, but they would need to appropriately handle students moving between their schools. Otherwise, they could pick a single SchoolId, or 'Carmen'/'MCP', or 'PowerSchool'/'Skyward', or anything else that would make sense, such as a tenant number if available in the SIS. | Student's /contactand /StudentContactAssociation endpoints is successfully submitted with the Contact Unique ID may be as follows: Ed-Fi LEA ID +'-'+'Differentiating Factor'+'-'+ Contact Unique ID in SIS System Differentiating Factor: Something that uniquely identifies the parent within the SIS and is not also used by another SIS to identify parent in the same district. |
5.0 | Sending parent/guardian information when they more than one students in the same LEA |
6.0 | Sending parent/guardian information when they have multiple addresses | Parents/guardians could have multiple households and multiple address. DPI only requires primary home address and mailing address of parent/guardian if different than the home address. Every school district has a different process for parent data sharing agreement. However, parents/guardians can choose to opt-in or opt-out of the agreement. By law, parents/guardians always have the right to opt-out at any time of the school year. Until they opt-out default is opt-in for data sharing which includes address as well. | POST on /contacts: addressTypeDescriptor : Mailing |
7.0 | Sending the address for a parent who opted out of address data sharing |
DPI may share parents addresses with the WI Depertment of Health Services (DHS) for immunization matching purposes. If districts opts-out of using immunization services, then student addresses is not passed to DHS. |
8.0 | Sending parent/guardian information when student transferred to a new LEA | Because the contactUniqueId includes the LEA ID, each LEA is expected to send /contact AND /studentContactAssociation records | LEA 1: submits a /contact record AND a /studentContactAssociation record AND LEA 2: submits a /contact record AND a /studentContactAssociation record |
9.0 | Updating parent/guardian information for a student | There is an Ed-Fi issue when SIS vendors do a POST->GET->DELETE->POST on /contact using the same unique id. This issue appears to be a problem for v3.4, but not for v5.2. Instead of deleting a /contact record, vendors should update (PUT) the records with the changes. |
JSON Sample:
"contactUniqueId": "7533-1446",
"firstName": "Illana-Mom",
"middleName": "QkoN-Mom",
"lastSurname": "Cherry-Mom",
"generationCodeSuffix": "II",
"addresses": [
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#M",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#IN",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "567",
"buildingSiteNumber": "GreeneBldg1",
"city": "Terre Haute",
"postalCode": "47801",
"streetNumberName": "2850 SHoepkerert Rd",
"periods": []
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#H",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#WI",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "349",
"buildingSiteNumber": "125",
"city": "Madison",
"postalCode": "53119",
"streetNumberName": "S Webster Street",
"periods": []
"electronicMails": [
{ "electronicMailTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ElectronicMailTypeDescriptor#W",
"electronicMailAddress": "Mom_Work.7533-1446@test.dpi.com",
}, {
"electronicMailTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ElectronicMailTypeDescriptor#H",
"electronicMailAddress": "Mom_Home.7533-1446@test.dpi.com",
"internationalAddresses": [],
"languages": [{
"languageDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor#ceb",
"languageDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor#eng",
"otherNames": [],
"personalIdentificationDocuments": [],
"telephones": [
"telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor#H",
"telephoneNumber": "1023456789",
"telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor#M",
"telephoneNumber": "1203456789",
"telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor#O",
"telephoneNumber": "1230456789",
"telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor#W",
"telephoneNumber": "1234056789",
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