WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs
Jaidaa Shafaei
The /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation (SEOA) collects demographic and related characteristics of a student that are unique to their relationship with a specific educational organization.
This endpoint is expected from Choice schools.
NOTE: The Resident LEA ID and Residency Status are not required by choice schools, but the enrollment type change in SSA will affect choice schools.
Ed-Fi Tech Docs: v5 Student Enrollment > StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation, v3 Student Enrollment > StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation (2024-25 SY and prior)
Data Properties:
# | Property Name | Data Type | Public (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Choice (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Business Definition | Data Element Page |
1.0 | educationOrganizationId* | integer | REQ'D | REQ'D | The identifier assigned to an education organization. | |
2.0 | studentUniqueId* | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a student. | |
3.0 | sexDescriptor | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | The student's gender as last reported to the education organization. | |
4.0 | studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student. | |
5.0 | assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | The organization code or name assigning the StudentIdentificationCode. For example, Local, SIS Internal, Other | |
6.0 | identificationCode | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. | |
7.0 | loginId | string | OPT | OPT | The login ID for the user; used for security access control interface. | NA |
8.0 | hispanicLatinoEthnicity | boolean | REQ'D | REQ'D | An indication that the individual traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central, and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race, as last reported to the education organization. The term, "Spanish origin," can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino." | |
9.0 | raceDescriptor | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies as last reported to the education organization. The data model allows for multiple entries so that each individual can specify all appropriate races. | |
10.0 | ancestryEthnicOriginDescriptor | string | OPT | OPT | The original peoples or cultures with which the individual identifies. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h9Jas89UGtdw_CwvHZsipJokfX1N_G-oNtAWuFD16aE/edit?usp=sharing |
11.0 | tribalAffiliationDescriptor | string | OPT | OPT | An American Indian tribe with which the student is affiliated as last reported to the education organization. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h9Jas89UGtdw_CwvHZsipJokfX1N_G-oNtAWuFD16aE/edit?usp=sharing |
12.0 | limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor | string | REQ'D | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | An indication that the student has been identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient. | |
13.0 | languageDescriptor | string | REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | A specification of which written or spoken communication is being used. | |
14.0 | languageUseDescriptor | string | REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | A description of how the language is used (e.g. Home Language, Native Language, Spoken Language). | |
15.0 | studentCharacteristicDescriptor | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | The characteristic designated for the Student.
| https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/econ-status |
16.0 | disabilityDescriptor | string | NOT REQ'D | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | A disability category that describes a child's impairment. | |
17.0 | orderOfDisability | integer | NOT REQ'D | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | The order by severity of student's disabilities: 1- Primary, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary, etc. If “N: No disability; not IDEA eligible.” is selected send orderOfDisability of null. | NA |
18.0 | electronicMailTypeDescriptor | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | The type of email listed for an individual or organization. For example: Home/Personal, Work, etc.) | NA |
19.0 | electronicMailAddress | string | REQ'D | REQ'D | The electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for an individual. DPI only requires the student's email address associated to the school, which is the Organization Type. Multiple email addresses are allowed, but SIS vendors should only send the email associated to the school or district. | |
20.0 | addressTypeDescriptor | string | OPT | OPT | The type of address listed for an individual or organization. For example: Physical Address, Mailing Address, Home Address, etc.) | NA |
21.0 | streetNumberName | string | OPT | OPT | The street number and street name or post office box number of an address. | |
22.0 | apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | string | OPT | OPT | The apartment, room, or suite number of an address. | NA |
23.0 | city | string | OPT | OPT | The name of the city in which an address is located. | NA |
24.0 | stateAbbreviationDescriptor | string | OPT | OPT | The abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located. | NA |
25.0 | postalCode | string | OPT | OPT | The five or nine digit zip code or overseas postal code portion of an address. | NA |
26.0 | indicatorName (For 2022-23 and prior) | string | OPT | OPT | The name of the indicator or metric. | https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/internet-access-type |
27.0 | indicator (For 2022-23 and prior) | string | OPT | OPT | The value of the indicator or metric | https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/internet-access-type |
28.0 | indicatorGroup (For 2022-23 and prior) | string | OPT | OPT | The name for a group of indicators. | NA |
28.1 | InternetAccessInResidence (For 2023-24 and after) | Boolean (Nullable) | OPT | OPT | An indication of whether the student is able to access the internet in their primary place of residence. Valid values are: True (Yes) False (No) | https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/internet-access-in-residence |
28.2 | BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor (For 2023-24 and after) | string | OPT | OPT | An indication of the barrier to having internet access in the student s primary place of residence. | https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/barrier-to-internet-access-in-residence |
28.3 | InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor (For 2023-24 and after) | string | OPT | OPT | The primary type of internet service used in the student s primary place of residence. | |
28.4 | InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor (For 2023-24 and after) | string | OPT | OPT | An indication of whether the student can complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence. | |
28.5 | PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor (For 2023-24 and after) | string | OPT | OPT | The type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school. | |
28.6 | PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor (For 2023-24 and after) | string | OPT | OPT | The provider of the primary learning device. | https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/primary-device-provider |
28.7 | PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor (For 2023-24 and after) | string | OPT | OPT | An indication of whether the primary learning device is shared or not shared with another individual. | |
29.0 | residentLocalEducationAgencyReference. localEducationAgencyId (For 2022-23 and prior) | integer | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | The district in which the student resides. |
Descriptors & Indicators:
NameSpace | Code Value | Short Description | Long Description |
NameSpace | Code Value | Short Description | Long Description |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/SexDescriptor | F | Female | Female |
M | Male | Male | |
X (For 2022-23 and after) | Non-binary | Non-binary | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor | D | District | The student identification system for the student at the district level, generally managed by the district student information system and the one that assigns the principal IDs used to join student data for district operations. |
L | Local | WISEid local Person ID | |
O | Other | Other | |
SC | School | School | |
SIS | SIS internal | Additional new descriptor added for SIS internal Id’s. | |
ST | State | The State identification system for students that assigns a state ID to each student. WISEId | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/RaceDescriptor | A | Asian | Asian |
B | Black - African American | Black - African American | |
I | American Indian - Alaskan Native | American Indian - Alaskan Native | |
P | Native Hawaiian - Pacific Islander | Native Hawaiian - Pacific Islander | |
W | White | White | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/AncestryEthnicOriginDescriptor | as-burmese | Asian - Burmese | as-burmese |
as-chinese | Asian - Chinese | as-chinese | |
as-filipino | Asian - Filipino | as-filipino | |
as-hmong | Asian - Hmong | as-hmong | |
as-indian | Asian - Indian | as-indian | |
as-karen | Asian - Karen | as-karen | |
as-korean | Asian - Korean | as-korean | |
as-notindicated | Asian - Decline to indicate | as-notindicated | |
as-other | Asian - Other | as-other | |
as-unknown | Asian - Unknown | as-unknown | |
as-vietnamese | Asian - Vietnamese | as-vietnamese | |
bl-africanamerican | Black - African-American | bl-africanamerican | |
bl-ethiopianoromo | Black - Ethiopian-Oromo | bl-ethiopianoromo | |
bl-ethiopianother | Black - Ethiopian-Other | bl-ethiopianother | |
bl-liberian | Black - Liberian | bl-liberian | |
bl-nigerian | Black - Nigerian | bl-nigerian | |
bl-notindicated | Black - Decline to indicate | bl-notindicated | |
bl-other | Black - Other | bl-other | |
bl-somali | Black - Somali | bl-somali | |
bl-unknown | Black - Unknown | bl-unknown | |
hl-colombian | Hispanic/Latino - Colombian | hl-colombian | |
hl-ecuadorian | Hispanic/Latino - Ecuadorian | hl-ecuadorian | |
hl-guatemalan | Hispanic/Latino - Guatemalan | hl-guatemalan | |
hl-mexican | Hispanic/Latino - Mexican | hl-mexican | |
hl-notindicated | Hispanic/Latino - Decline to indicate | hl-notindicated | |
hl-other | Hispanic/Latino - Other | hl-other | |
hl-puertorican | Hispanic/Latino - Puerto Rican | hl-puertorican | |
hl-salvadoran | Hispanic/Latino - Salvadoran | hl-salvadoran | |
hl-spanish | Hispanic/Latino - Spaniard/Spanish/Spanish-American | hl-spanish | |
hl-unknown | Hispanic/Latino - Unknown | hl-unknown | |
uri://ed-fi.org/tribalAffiliationDescriptor AND uri://dpi.wi.gov/TribalAffiliationDescriptor | There are over 500 values for tribal affiliation. See the Swagger documentation for descriptor values https://uaapps.dpi.wi.gov/EdFiSwagger/index.html?urls.primaryName=Descriptors#/tribalAffiliationDescriptors Note that some tribal affiliations are NOT federally recognized for which the Namespace is different (uri://ed-fi.org/tribalAffiliationDescriptor vs. uri://dpi.wi.gov/tribalAffiliationDescriptor) | ||
uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor | 1 | ELL/LEP Beginning Preproduction. | ELL/LEP Beginning Preproduction. (WIDA label: Entering) |
2 | ELL/LEP Beginning Production. | ELL/LEP Beginning Production. (WIDA label: Beginning) | |
3 | ELL/LEP Intermediate. | ELL/LEP Intermediate. (WIDA label: Developing) | |
4 | ELL/LEP Advanced Intermediate. | ELL/LEP Advanced Intermediate. (WIDA label: Expanding) | |
5 | ELL/LEP Advanced. | ELL/LEP Advanced. (WIDA label: Bridging) | |
6 | Formerly ELL/LEP, now fully English proficient | Formerly ELL/LEP, now fully English proficient | |
7 | Fully English proficient, never ELL/LEP | Fully English proficient, never ELL/LEP | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor | There are over 400 values for language. See the Swagger documentation for descriptor values https://uaapps.dpi.wi.gov/EdFiSwagger/index.html?urls.primaryName=Descriptors#/languageDescriptors | ||
uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageUseDescriptor | Native | Native language | Native language |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentCharacteristicDescriptor | I | Immigrant | If student meets the definition as immigrant under Title III. |
M | Parent in Military | Parent in Military | |
P | Pregnant | Pregnant | |
SP | Single Parent | Single Parent | |
ED | Economically Disadvantaged | Economically Disadvantaged | |
Not ED | Not Economically Disadvantaged | Not Economically Disadvantaged | |
SATA (removed starting 22/23 SY) | State Assessment Type - Alternate | State Assessment Type - Alternate | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisabilityDescriptor | A | Autism | Autism |
DB | Deafblind | Deafblind | |
EBD | Emotional Behavioral Disability | Emotional Behavioral Disability | |
H | Deaf or Hard of Hearing | Deaf or Hard of Hearing | |
LD | Specific Learning Disability | Specific Learning Disability | |
OHI | Other Health Impairment | Other Health Impairment | |
OI | Orthopedic Impairment | Orthopedic Impairment | |
SDD | Significant Developmental Delay | Significant Developmental Delay | |
SL | Speech or Language Impairment | Speech or Language Impairment | |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury | Traumatic Brain Injury | |
V | Blind and Visually Impaired | Blind and Visually Impaired | |
ID | Intellectual Disability | Intellectual Disability | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/ElectronicMailTypeDescriptor | H | Home/Personal | Home/Personal |
Org | Organization | Organization | |
W | Work | Work | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor | H | Home | Home |
M | Mailing | Mailing | |
P | Physical | Physical | |
uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor | There are over 60 values for state abbreviation. See the Swagger documentation for descriptor values https://uaapps.dpi.wi.gov/EdFiSwagger/index.html?urls.primaryName=Descriptors#/stateAbbreviationDescriptors | ||
uri://ed-fi.org/BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor (2023-24 SY and later) | Not Desired | Not Desired | The student cannot access the internet in their primary place of residence because the parent or guardian chooses not to subscribe to internet service. |
Not Available | Not Available | The student cannot access the internet in their primary place of residence because internet service is not available. | |
Not Affordable | Not Affordable | The student cannot access the internet in their primary place of residence because internet service is not affordable. | |
Other | Other | The reason why a student cannot access the internet in their primary place of residence is not yet defined. | |
https://ed-fi.org/internetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor (2023-24 SY and later) | Residential Broadband (e.g. DSL, Fixed Wireless, Cable, Fiber) | Residential Broadband (e.g. DSL, Fixed Wireless, Cable, Fiber) | The type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence is residential broadband. |
Cellular Network | Cellular Network | The type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence is a cellular network that creates a hot spot using a cell phone for additional device access or access to the internet is only available through a cellular device. | |
Hot Spot (school provided hot spot, or school provided service) | Hot Spot (school provided hot spot, or school provided service) | The type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence is a standalone hot spot device that is not a cell phone that allows for additional device access. | |
Satellite | Satellite | The type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence is satellite. | |
Community Provided Wi-Fi | Community Provided Wi-Fi | The type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence is community provided Wi-Fi. | |
Dial-up | Dial-up | The type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence is dial-up. | |
Other | Other | The type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence is not yet defined. | |
None | None | There is no internet service in the student’s primary place of residence. | |
Unknown | Unknown | It is not known whether there is internet service in the student’s primary place of residence. | |
https://ed-fi.org/InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor (2023-24 SY and later) | Yes | Yes | The student experiences very few or no interruptions in learning activities caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence. |
Sometimes (yes, not consistent) | Sometimes (yes, not consistent) | The student regularly experiences interruptions in learning activities caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence. | |
No | No | The student is unable to complete learning activities due to poor internet performance in their primary place of residence. | |
https://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor (2023-24 SY and later) | Desktop Computer | Desktop Computer | A desktop computer is the type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school. |
Laptop Computer | Laptop Computer | A Laptop Computer is the type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school. | |
Tablet | Tablet | A Tablet is the type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school. | |
Chromebook | Chromebook | A Chromebook is the type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school. | |
Smartphone | Smartphone | A Smartphone is the type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school. | |
None | None | There is not a device the student uses to complete learning activities away from school. | |
Other | Other | The type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school is not yet defined. | |
https://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor (2023-24 SY and later) | School | School | The provider of the primary learning device is the school. |
Personal | Personal | The provider of the primary learning device is the student or guardian. | |
Other | Other | The provider of the primary learning device is not yet defined. | |
https://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor (2023-24 SY and later) | Shared | Shared | The primary learning device is shared with another individual. |
Not Shared | Not Shared | The primary learning device is not shared with another individual. | |
Unknown | Unknown | It is not known whether the primary learning device is shared with another individual. | |
indicatorGroup | StudentIndicator.IndicatorName | Question verbiage for SIS UI | StudentIndicator.Indicator |
DigitalEquity (For 2022-23 and prior) | InternetAccessInResidence | Can the student access the internet on their primary learning device at home? | Yes |
No - Not Available | |||
No - Not Affordable | |||
No - Other | |||
InternetAccessTypeInResidence | What is the primary type of internet service used at the residence? | ResidentialBroadband (e.g., DSL, Cable, Fiber) | |
CellularNetwork | |||
SchoolProvidedHotSpot | |||
Satellite | |||
Dial-up | |||
Other | |||
None | |||
InternetPerformance | Can the student stream a video on their primary learning device without interruption? | Yes - No issues | |
Yes - But not consistent | |||
No | |||
DigitalDevice | What device does the student most often use to complete school work at home? | Desktop/Laptop | |
Tablet | |||
Chromebook | |||
SmartPhone | |||
None | |||
DeviceAccess | Is the primary learning device a personal device or school-provided? Is the primary learning device shared with anyone else in the household? | Personal - Dedicated (one person per machine) | |
Personal - Shared (sharing among others in household) | |||
School Provided - Dedicated | |||
School Provided - Shared | |||
None |
Use Cases:
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
1.0 | Sending the Resident Local Education Agency (LEA) (For 2023-24 and later) | Starting the 2023-24 SY, the Resident LEA ID will no longer be collected under /SEOA. The Resident LEA ID will be part of the /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) endpoint under the ResidencyPeriod collection. This will affect the Membership Pupil Count Collection. Prior to 2023-24, Resident LEA ID is submitted under /SEOA. The Resident LEA ID cannot be a School ID. | The Resident LEA ID should not be reported under the extension of the /SEOA endpoint. POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations: Instead, the Resident LEA ID will be submitted under the /SSA endpoint residencyPeriods: |
2.0 | Sending Resident LEA ID when the student's residence changes in the middle of the school year (For 2023-24 and later) | The student's attending district could be different from the resident district. When the student residence change in the middle of the school year, SIS vendors/LEAs do not have to change the student's enrollment record (entryDate and exitWithdrawDate). Instead, the SIS vendor/LEA, can update the ResidencyPeriod on the /SSA record. The Resident LEA ID cannot be a School ID. | POST on /studentSchoolAssociation: residencyPeriods: PUT on /studentSchoolAssociation: (this will be covered as prt of the pupil count integration testing) |
3.0 | Deleting Resident LEA ID on on the /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation (SEOA) endpoint and /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) (For 2023-24 and later) | LEAs/vendors can leave the the localEducationAgencyId data property as blank and resubmit the /SEOA or /SSA endpoint to remove the localEducationAgencyId value. | PUT on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: PUT on /studentSchoolAssociation: |
4.0 | Sending Demographics data for a student who has multiple enrollments within the same school | Only one StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation (SEOA) per school is expected. In order to send SEOA, an enrollment record should exist from the school.
| POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations: etc… |
5.0 | Sending the student's Racial and Ethnic Categories | LEAs are required to submit the race and ethnicity with which a student most identifies. If both data properties are not answered by the parents, guardians or students, then the LEA will be responsible for completing both data properties. Both data properties are submitted to WISEid and WISEdata. | POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
6.0 | Sending the student's Ancestry/Ethnic Origin |
| POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
7.0 | Sending the student's Tribal Affiliation (For 2022-23 and after) |
| POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations: OR |
8.0 | Sending the Gender for a transgender or non-binary student (For 2022-23 and after) | Starting in the 2022-23 school year, Non-Binary (X) will be added as a gender option.
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations |
9.0 | Sending student Characteristics: Economically Disadvantaged Status | LEAs are required to submit the studen'ts economic status (wthether the student is economically disadvantaged or not economically disadvantaged).
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
10.0 | Sending student Characteristics: Parent in Military, Single Parent or Immigrant | LEAs must report student characteristics in the following scenarios: (Choice schools are not required to report Parent in Military, Single Parent and Immigrant)
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
11.0 | Sending student Characteristics: State Assessment Type-Alternate (SATA) ( removed starting 22/23 SY) | LEAs are no longer required to submit SATA as a student characteristic.
| Should not submit SATA as a studentCharacteristicDescriptor on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations. |
12.0 | Sending English Language Proficiency (ELP) code for a student who is enrolled in a public school district. | Public schools are required to send an ELP code. Along with limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations (SEOA), a /studentLanguageInstructionEductaionProgramAssociations (SLIPA) record has to be submitted.
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
13.0 | Sending English Language Proficiency (ELP) code for a student who is enrolled in a choice school program, but goes to a public school for few courses. The choice school receives Title III funds. | Because the choice school receives Title III funds they must send the primary enrollment to WISEdata. The choice school may call public school to obtain the ELP code for the student and submit to WISEdata.
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
14.0 | Submit English Language Proficiency (ELP) code for a student who is enrolled in a choice school program. |
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
15.0 | Sending the student's first/native Language for a student who is an English language learner or a migrant | This data property is required when the student has an ELP Code of 1-5 or the student is an Immigrant under Title III. Only one native language may be identified for a student for reporting purposes. | POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
16.0 | Sending the native language as either Afghan Persian,/Dari, K'iche'/Quiché, Kabuverdianu, Rohingya, or Sign Language languages. (SEE SEOA - ELP 1-5) | This data property is required when the student has an ELP Code of 1-5 or the student is an Immigrant under Title III. The language list has been expanded to include: Afghan Persian,/Dari, K'iche'/Quiché, Kabuverdianu, Rohingya, and Sign Language Languages. Afghan Persian, Dari PSR | POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations: languageDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor#psr, |
17.0 | Delete the student's native language | For situations where a native language was entered in error. | DELETE GUID on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations |
18.0 | Sending student Disability data | Only choice schools submit student's disability on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations Only one primary reportable disability can be submitted to WISEdata with orderOfDsiability as 1, but other Disabilities may be submitted with orderOfDsiability as 2, 3, etc.
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: disabilityDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisabilityDescriptor#H, |
19.0 | Sending Digital Equity data to provide information on students access, in their places of residence, to devices and the internet. (For 2022-23 and prior) | Students' digital equity data should flow to the WISEdata Portal on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation endpoint at the time of enrollment and whenever the student's data is updated (through online registration forms, the SIS, or the parent portal).
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: studentIndicators: All metadata to send is in bold; additional remarks following meta data would be useful text within vendor application/forms: For InternetAccessTypeInResidence (What is the primary type of internet service used at the residence?). Valid metadata = For InternetPerformance (Can the student stream a video on their primary learning device without interruption?). Valid metadata = For DigitalDevice (What device does the student most often use to complete school work at home?). Valid metadata = For DeviceAccess (Is the primary learning device a personal device or school-provided? Is the primary learning device shared with anyone else in the household?). Valid metadata = |
20.0 | Sending Digital Equity data to provide information on students access, in their places of residence, to devices and the internet. (For 2023-24 and after) | Students' digital equity data should flow to the WISEdata Portal on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation endpoint at the time of enrollment and whenever the student's data is updated (through online registration forms, the SIS, or the parent portal).
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: All metadata to send is in bold; additional remarks following meta data would be useful text within vendor application/forms: Q1. For InternetAccessInResidence (Can the student access the internet on their primary learning device at home?). Valid metadata = Q2. For BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor (What is the primary type of internet service used at the residence?). Valid metadata = Not Desired Not Available Not Affordable Other Q3. For InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor (What is the primary type of internet service used at the residence?). Valid metadata = Residential Broadband (e.g. DSL, Fixed Wireless, Cable, Fiber) Cellular Network Hot Spot (school provided hot spot, or school provided service) Satellite Community Provided Wi-Fi Dial-up Other None Unknown Q4. For InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor (Can the student stream a video on their primary learning device without interruption?). Valid metadata = Yes - No issues Yes - But not consistent No Q5. For PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor (What device does the student most often use to complete school work at home?). Valid metadata = Desktop Computer Laptop Computer Tablet Chromebook Smartphone None Other Q6. For PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor (Who provided the primary learning device to the student?). Valid metadata = Personal Other Q7. For PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor (Is the primary learning device shared with anyone else in the household?). Valid metadata = Shared Not Shared Unknown |
20.1 | Sending the digital equity questions and responses for a student enrolled in the school/district (For 2023-24 and later) | Starting the 2023-24 SY, the Digital Equity data collection will no longer be collected as part of the studentIndicators under /SEOA. The Digital Equity data will be collected on the below data properties:
| POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation:
20.2 | Discontinue sending Digital Equity data as studentIndicators under /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation (For 2023-24 and after) | Digital Equity questions and responses will no longer be collected under StudentIndicators in /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation endpoint. Therefore, SIS vendors should update their code to not send indicatorName, indicator, and indicatorGroup in the 23/24 SY. |
20.3 | Editing the digital equity data for a student enrolled in the school/district (For 2023-24 and after) | Via API update the student indicators on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | Successfully update student indicators on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation |
20.4 | Sending the digital equity data points for a student with multiple enrollments in the school/district (For 2023-24 and after) | Via API submit the student indicators on each /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation record Enrollment in School 1: submits /SEOA Data submitted on SEOA from each school may or may not be different. | Successfully submit student indicators on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation from both schools/districts |
20.5 | Sending contradicting Digital Equity value. (For 2023-24 and after) | Some Digital Equity responses submitted by families and LEAs contradict each other; therefore, SIS vendors should have some validations (if possible) to prevent LEAs from submitting contradictory responses. Error 7154 will be displayed in WISEdata Portal when LEAs submit contradicting values. | If Q1. 'Internet Access in Residence' = 'Yes' then skip Q2. BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor and continue with Q3. InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor and Q4. InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor
If Q1. 'Internet Access in Residence' = 'No' then continue to Q2. BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor and skip Q3. InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor and Q4. InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor
If Q5. PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor =“None”, then end survey.
If Q5. PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor is not “None”, then continue to Q6. PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor and Q7. PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor. |
20.6 | Deleting the digital equity data for a student enrolled in the school/district | LEA can either remove the submitted digital equity response by resubmitting the SEOA records and leaving the digital equity data properties blank. Or They can delete /SEOA record and resubmit it with the updates responses (blank). | POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation: internetAccessInResidence: True Then PUT on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation: internetAccessInResidence: False |
20.7 | Updating Digital Equity data to provide information on students access, in their places of residence, to devices and the internet. (For 2023-24 and after) | Students' digital equity data should flow to the WISEdata Portal on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation endpoint at the time of enrollment and whenever the student's data is updated (through online registration forms, the SIS, or the parent portal).
| See Use Case “Sending Digital Equity data to provide information on students access, in their places of residence, to devices and the internet.” |
20.8 | Ensure Digital Equity data validations are in place. (For 2023-24 and after) | SIS vendor should have some validations to ensure data provided is complete before sending API requests (e.g. missing data, incorrect formatting, invalid data value/descriptor, etc.) | All question are Multiple Choice – One Answer (radio buttons). Ensure all questions have been answered using the specifications from 18.0 “Sending Digital Equity data to provide information on students access, in their places of residence, to devices and the internet ” prior to submission. |
21.0 | Sending student's residential and/or mailing address(es) information (For 2023-24 and after) | DPI expects one, current primary home address for a student. A mailing address may be submitted if it is different from the home address.
| on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: |
20.1 | PO Box should not be sent as a 'Home' address type (For 2023-24 and after) | Vendors should separate fields for the PO Box from the Street Number/Name field. LEAs/vendors may use a PO box as a Mailing address, but it cannot be used as Home address. | POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation: Addresses: Address Type Descriptor: Mailing |
21.0 | Sending the address for a homeless student who has a temporary address or nighttime residence. | Generally, parents are required to provide a proof of address every time the address is changed. If the student is homeless, they don't require a proof of address. DPI understands that SIS may not have the current address of student; therefore, whichever address is marked as primary in the SIS should be sent as primary home address. The address will be a shelter, hotel, etc. The homeless coordinator will maintain address changes and they update them when students move. |
22.0 | Sending the address for a student who is in a DOC or DHS facility. | LEAs are NOT required to submit address for students in DOC or DHS facility. |
23.0 | Sending the address for a student who is enrolled in a Safe-at-Home program | LEAs are NOT required to submit address for students enrolled in a Safe-at-Home program |
24.0 | Sending the address for a student whose parents opted out of address data sharing | -If opt-out from data sharing happened before submitting address to WISEdata, then do NOT submit student address to WISEdata When student addresses are submitted to the API, DPI shares student addresses with DHS for immunization matching purposes. If districts opts-out of using immunization services, then student addresses is not passed to DHS. |
25.0 | Sending the student’s Local Person ID |
1- on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations (SEOA). | POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
26.0 | Sending other student identification numbers used in your SIS | Other student identifcation numbers are collected to ensure ensure data consistency across education systems used by schools. Possible value are:
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor: StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor: |
27.0 | Sending District of Residence for a student who does not reside in the submitting district and the submitting district is a public school | When the resident district is not the district submitting to WISEdata for the student, then the submitting district will need to submit the code for the resident district. | POST /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: |
28.0 | Sending the District of Residence when student does not reside in the submitting district and the submitting district is an independent charter school (2023-24 SY and Later) | When the submitting district is independent charter school (non-district charter school), then the District of Residence is set to a public school district that is open in the school year. Starting 23/24SY, the District of Residence is collected under the /studentSchoolAssociation endpoint. | POST /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations: For 23/24 onward: POST on /studentSchoolAssociations: |
JSON Sample:
"educationOrganizationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 31001,
"studentReference": {
"studentUniqueId": "4156234125",
"sexDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/SexDescriptor#F",
"studentIdentificationCodes": [{
"studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor#L",
"assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode": "Local",
"identificationCode": "10072019b"
"loginId": "10072019b",
"hispanicLatinoEthnicity": true,
"races": [
"raceDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/RaceDescriptor#B"
"ancestryEthnicOrigins": [
"ancestryEthnicOriginDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AncestryEthnicOriginDescriptor#as-chinese"
"ancestryEthnicOriginDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AncestryEthnicOriginDescriptor#bl-other"
"tribalAffiliations": [
"tribalAffiliationDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/TribalAffiliationDescriptor#Brothertown"
} ],
"limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#5",
"studentCharacteristics": [{
"studentCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#M",
"studentCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#ED",
"disabilities": [{
"disabilityDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisabilityDescriptor#OI",
"orderOfDisability": "0",
"disabilityDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisabilityDescriptor#A",
"orderOfDisability": "1",
"disabilityDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisabilityDescriptor#LD",
"orderOfDisability": "2",
"electronicMails": [{
"electronicMailTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ElectronicMailTypeDescriptor#Org",
"electronicMailAddress": "john_krasinski@TestWDP.com",
"addresses": [
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#H",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#WI",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "786",
"buildingSiteNumber": "1",
"city": "Marion",
"postalCode": "54950",
"streetNumberName": "In The Woods",
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#M",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#WI",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "888",
"buildingSiteNumber": "555",
"city": "Cornell",
"postalCode": "54732",
"streetNumberName": "Not So Main Street",
"internetAccessInResidence": true,
"barrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor#Not Desired",
"internetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor#Community Provided Wi-Fi",
"internetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor#Sometimes",
"primaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor#None",
"primaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor#School",
"primaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor#Shared",
"educationOrganizationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 711,
"studentReference": {
"studentUniqueId": "7013013246",
"sexDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/SexDescriptor#X",
"electronicMails": [{
"electronicMailTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ElectronicMailTypeDescriptor#Org",
"electronicMailAddress": "WDPIDpqpJg@dpi.com",
"studentIdentificationCodes": [{
"studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor#L",
"assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode": "Local",
"identificationCode": "New_LocalId"
"loginId": "WDPID - fJEy6JAY6",
"hispanicLatinoEthnicity": "true",
"limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#7",
"languages": [{
"languageDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor#eng",
"uses": [{
"languageUseDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageUseDescriptor#Native"
"races": [
"raceDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/RaceDescriptor#W"
"studentCharacteristics": [{
"studentCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#SP",
"studentCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#ED",
"tribalAffiliations": [
"tribalAffiliationDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/TribalAffiliationDescriptor#Brothertown"
} ],
"internetAccessInResidence": true,
"barrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor#Not Desired",
"internetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor#Community Provided Wi-Fi",
"internetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor#Sometimes",
"primaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor#None",
"primaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor#School",
"primaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor#Shared",
"addresses": [
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#M",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#WI",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "123",
"buildingSiteNumber": "RAMP1",
"city": "MIDDLETON",
"postalCode": "53119",
"streetNumberName": "321 OldTown Road",
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#H",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#WI",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "349",
"buildingSiteNumber": "125",
"city": "Madison",
"postalCode": "53125",
"streetNumberName": "South Webster Street",
"ancestryEthnicOrigins": [
"ancestryEthnicOriginDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AncestryEthnicOriginDescriptor#hl-puertorican"
"ancestryEthnicOriginDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AncestryEthnicOriginDescriptor#bl-notindicated"
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