Application Name | Enhancement Request | Requested By | Status | Comments |
WISEdata Portal | Create a way for LEAs to message people within the WISEdata Portal instead of having to leave and send an email; It would be nice to be able to send messages to schools within the system instead of searching for names and emails to notify them of errors WISEdata | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | TBD | |
WISEdata Portal | Overlapping enrollments in WISEdata Portal are challenging. Sometimes communicating with other schools/districts does not resolve the issue. Idea: Add a feature in WISEdata Portal to easily click and request a change in exit date from the prior district to avoid overlapping enrollment. Concept: email sent to district attendance contact - require each district to list a contact with email address. | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | TBD | |
WISEdata Portal / WISEdash for Districts | Flow of data from SIS to WISEdata to WISEdash to Report Cards & Joint Federal Notifications (current view and snapshot view of state report card and joint federal notifications). Provide a method to show the differences of what is being reported in WISEdata compared to WISEdash. We need training and documentation on how to compare data in WISEdash to data in WISEdata (when should this be done, for what data points is it the most important?) | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | TBD | |
WISEdata Portal | Can home school students be incorporated into WISEdata? I would like to see an enrollment line item when a student leaves our district and registers for homeschool. | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | TBD | |
WISEdata Portal | Make the WARNING acknowledgement process easier in WISEdata Portal. The user interface solution is confusion and not clear. | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | TBD | |
WISEdata Portal | Create the ability to allow LEAs to assign validation messages to specific LEA users so they can work on them. This is especially useful in LEAs with data teams. | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | ||
WISEdata Portal | Allow the ability to add freeform text 'notes' to validation errors/warnings to assist with tracking notes/work around a validation issue. | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | ||
WISEdata Portal | Add a validation message for missing staff-section-association in order to view the sections that have been sent to WISE without a staff association. | Several LEAs during the WISEdata Conference 2022 | TBD | |
Ed-Fi Credentail App | Create the ability to allow vendors to add their contact info (name, job title, role ‘primary, technical, support’, email, phone number). One vendor can have several contacts. The contacts will be different from ‘Users’. Users in EdCred receive email notifications when LEA subscribe to their vendor. | TBD | ||
Ed-Fi Credentail App | Create a new tab in EdCred and name it ‘Product Catalog’. Vendors should be able to label and add links to their user guides and documentation. | DPI | IN ANALYSIS | In sprint 1060 |
WISEdata Portal | LEAs are often confused by the Home page in WISEdata, specifically ‘Step 1’ and 'Step 2' Revamp the Home page; perhaps survey LEAs what information they need to see or know about. | TBD |
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