Project Name | Status | Description | Value Add | Notes | MoSCoW | Effort | LEA Interest | SIS Req’d ? Yes | LEA Req’d? Yes | LEA Type Public |
SLDS II - Pupil Count (REFID456) | IN PROGRESS | State-wide Go/No-Go | M | L | High | NA | Yes | Public | ||
SLDS II - OPAL Integration: WISEid, Student, Student Demographic Data (REFID522) | CONCEPT (considered for SLDS II) | Eliminate redundant student data entry by LEAs by leveraging intra operability at DPI. WISEdata already has a large portion of the student data LEAs attempt to keep in sync in OPAL. | Brought up during Pupil Count Membership analysis as a major pain point for LEAs; reduces data administrative overhead and improves quality and timeliness of data | Would need to determine if this waits for a rewrite of OPAL or if any type of service based integration could be done to pre-fill data if a re-write isn’t likely in the near term. Really a PEO/CoreApps project that Collections will need if there is going to be an integration between OPAL/Pupil Count Membership ((not critical path, additional data quality checks, alerts, etc); putting this on here for tracking purposes. | M/L | |||||
SLDS II - OAS: WISEid, Student, Student Demographic Integration | CONCEPT (considered for SLDS II) | Eliminate redundant student data entry by LEAs by leveraging interoperability at DPI. WISEdata already has a large portion of the student data LEAs attempt to keep in sync in OAS. | Reduces data administrative overhead and improves quality and timeliness of data | Would need to determine if this waits for a rewrite of OAS or if any type of service based integration could be done to pre-fill data if a re-write isn’t likely in the near term. | L | Medium | Yes | Yes | Choice | |
ACT Statewide (REFID128) | IN DEVELOPMENT | Operationalize pre-assessment roster and outcome via WISEdata / ACT Exchange for Spring 2023 assessment PILOT | Eliminate multiple manual uploads of LEA rosters to ACT. For ACT outcomes, improve data timeliness and | L | High | NA | NA | All | ||
SPED Backpack - IEP goals, objective, services (REFID451) | IN ANALYSIS | Collect additional SPED data in API ODS to that this data can be included in the ‘Student Backpack’ | Same as student backpack but super critical program data that is needed in a timely matter on a student transfer | Need decision from project sponsor and waiting on the results of a couple of presentations and surveys | M/L | Medium (reassessing with survey) | Yes | No | Public | |
Collections applications to .NET Core (REFID999) | IN PROGRESS | This would be an update to the technology stack on which Collections run. Moving to .NET core will eventually need to be done. | Keeps application code on latest technical stack for support and innovation | Release before Sept or wait until Jan-Mar (WDP and Validations); EdCred can be released in Nov; WISEadmin is already moved; WDF some work, maybe. | M | XL | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Ed-Fi Version Upgrade with breaking changes) – See the 3 items below | TBD | Ed-Fi data model changes are classified as major and likely to be breaking to existing integrations. This could also entail database changes, changes to build and deployment pipelines, and changes to vendor implementations. | The Ed-Fi Alliance has not yet shared a comprehensive list of all changes (maybe by end of Aug). | S | XL | NA | Yes | Yes | All | |
Digital Equity | TBD | Modify API, WDP, Digital Equity ESH and DWDS views to take in core API changes for supporting digital equity. CEDS approved digital equity data elements: | Gets us on core and leverages descriptors to avoid incorrect string values. | Schools will begin using their 2023-24 applications in January of 2023, so that means any changes to their online applications need to be made in Fall 2022 for implementation in Spring 2023 or Fall 2023 for implementation in Spring 2024. Which means the SIS vendors have to have the data elements completed before that. . . it will also impact if they can "roll" the data forward. Sometimes they have to roll to the new school year in December because of course scheduling starting before winter break. | S | S | NA | Yes | No | All |
Student Discipline Incident Behaviour Association (Ed-Fi deprecation) | TBD | Ed-Fi is going to deprecate an endpoint requiring us to shift to the new data structure and endpoint | None - required technical change | 2022.01.28: HOLD UNTIL ED-FI BREAKING VERSION IS RELEASED; Could implement before the Ed-Fi changes. EdFi model- Association StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation [607] deprecated "Users of this element are advised to use StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation instead. Expect removal of this element in a future release." | M (could be removed with V4) | S/M | NA | Yes | Yes | Public |
Enrollment Type: limit to one value | TBD | Currently, enrollmentTypes is an array under the WI Ext., and it would be best to change it into a single descriptor to only allow for one value. | Wait for ed-fi upgrade. | S | M | NA | Yes | Yes | All | |
CEIS Metadata changes | TBD | CEIS data collection was put under the Program Type of “Cocurricular Programs ‘Co’ ” even though it does not have anything to do with co-curricular programs. programType should be modified to become ‘Coordinated Early Intervening Services’ to match Program Name and Co-curricular should be an invalid value for 23/24. | Could affect some L2s. | M | S | Low | Y | Y | All | |
Uncommon and Contextually Identifiable Data (REFID594) | TBD | May not affect or team | ||||||||
IND 7 & IND 14 collections (REFID596) | TBD | M | L (XL if we need to write a front end) | Medium | Yes | Yes | Public | |||
CTE Participants for WISEdata Collection (REFID573) | TBD APPROVED | | project is approved as 23/24 change, needs analysis. | |||||||
Equity Through Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Data Collection (REFID570) | TBD APPROVED | | Requested by Pam Delfosse (Teaching and Learning). | M | M | NA | Yes | Yes | Public | |
CTE Perkins Graduate Follow Up Survey (FUP) (REFID581) | TBD APPROVED | | Requested by Jessica Sloan. | L | High | ?? | Public | |||
Courses SCED 10 | TBD | Identify new courses and/or if any are getting deprecated | S | M | NA | Yes | NA | Public | ||
Additional Data Elements From SIS To WISEdata (REFID493) | ON HOLD APPROVED | Get the low & high grade, list of grades, and first and last day of schools/districts from SIS vendor via the API. These data element will be populated into the School Directory app. | Help LEA users to avoid maintaining the same data elements in multiple systems. | Request by Jesila. Need to follow up with her on whether this project can move forward. No place for a district cal - just a school cal. (use the /calendar and /calendarDates endpoints) | M | M | Medium | Yes | Yes | All |
Validations API (REFID999) | IN PROGRESS | This project would push L2 validation results back to the SIS. The Ed-Fi Community is interested in this initiative and PowerSchool has expressed partnering. | This would surface WISEdata data quality errors to the LEA within their SIS versus having to use a separate tool (WISEdata Portal) to see the issue. | M | Medium | No | No | All | ||
PALS assessment and other local assessments | CONCEPT | WISEdata Integrations with assessment vendors to allow them to post data to WISEdata API so that assessments can present in WISEdash and allow consumption by other LEA tools that are integrated. | This was request by several LEAs The Ed-Fi upgrade may affect the assessment endpoints. Work for Auth for local assessment… (not sure if PALS is state or local assessment) | M | High | No | No | ?? | ||
Address verification/standardization API that can also geocode (Potential for MSDF) | CONCEPT | Send either an address or a WISEid and get back geocoded addresses. We would geocode all the addresses we have now and store those results and make them available via an API. We would need to invest in a paid geocoding service for the bulk of the addresses we have on file now and could later look at potentially free options to handle new addresses that come in. Free services, however, may not have the accuracy that we need. This could be expanded to include address verification if we contract for the right services. | LEAs still mail to parents for different purposes (MPS mailed gift cards to families where the student was vaccinated), manual scrub processes are time consuming and inconsistent. Additionally geocoding is critical for DPI mapping and could come into play for socioeconomic status coding (DOE analysis project). | Need to discuss wth Rachel and Shelly. | S | M | NA | ?? | NA | ALL |
Assessment Roster Composite (Potential for MSDF) | CONCEPT | Composites don’t currently support extensions which included Assessment Roster. This would at least initially provide a composite to ACT for what we can to make integration easier for them and then possibly look into contributing an update to Ed-Fi that would allow for the inclusion of extensions into a composite | S | L | NA | No | NA | NA | ||
One Roster API (Potential for MSDF) | CONCEPT | Build an API that meets the One Roster spec that could be used with other ed tech products which already work with that standard. Some of the breaking changes that I proposed at the Tech Congress for the roster domain could make this easier. | Need to check if LMS vendors would use it and/or if LEAs are interested. | |||||||
Follet Destiny Student Roster Integration (Potential for MSDF) | CONCEPT | This project concept would allow Follet Destiny, library management software used by most LEAs in WI, to ingest student roster data from the API | Eliminates manual data entry at LEA or spreadsheet sync processes, etc. | Management turnover at Follet halted this project but they did show interest; I would recommend looping in Tessa to find new contacts, survey LEAs for interest and then determine when/ if this integration can happen. Big value add for LEAs based on early feedback and conversations with Kurt Kiefer who originally pushed for this effort. We don’t have current contacts at Follett Destiny, but an integration to roster out of the API would be of great benefit to school districts. | S/M | |||||
DRC Forward (REFID524) (Potential for MSDF) | TBD | DRC Forward pre-assessment rostering using a similar pattern as ACT. No initial plans for supporting outcomes. | Eliminates manual uploads of LEA rosters to DRC. Accounts for student movement. | On hold awaiting DPI OSA/OEA finalization of DRC contract This first depends on contract decisions, but if DRC is used could be of benefit. This would be a very similar effort to that which we have been working on with ACT. | M | NA | ?? | ?? | ?? | |
PBI Reports (create views so that DWDS can create reports) REFIDs 559, 556, 555) | TBD | ; ; | DWDS haven’t started analysis. They will let Collections know when they start the work. | |||||||
Review Ed-Fi Descriptors and Programs to get closer to core | TBD | Needed for better consistency across SEAs and the community | 2022.01.28: PHASE THIS TO REDUCE VENDOR IMPACT | M | ||||||
WDP - L2 changes since last validation run OR daily report | CONCEPT | Mentioned in retro with Skyward; LEAs want to know either daily to know new L2s versus those resolved; perhaps on home page with drill down or export | Helps LEAs keep a handle on new issues that have appeared versus others | 2022.012.8: -# of messages in last x days or week -# of messages resolved in last week? -category?? (multiples on some) Scope out some more with LEAs 2022-01-19: Jen - Park View brought this up. Cory Kaisler also had some ideas; consider revamp of home screen which could include this; could use aging + ?? for those resolved. | S/M/L | |||||
WDP Exports | CONCEPT | Indicate the data field source (DPI-calculated versus from SIS) | LEAs asked for this on Skyward retro so they know where to go when a data value looks incorrect. Within the details of the exports, the column headings and definitions are available. Often calculated fields begin with ‘DPI’. Identifying all calculated elements could be helpful. A calculator icon was suggested. | C | S | |||||
Azure - Infrastructure Change - Support two versions of API? App Serv Env versus App Service Plan | CONCEPT | Eventually there will be a new Ed-Fi breaking version change that will will require two diff version of API to run | ||||||||
API Volume | CONCEPT | Find a way to disconnect high volume resources like Grades & Student Section Associations. | Brought up by IC because when /grades are submitted then update /studentSection attemptStatus (only has to be sent in some scenarios); even if don’t have to send IC still has to roll thru logic | Not sure how we can do this; we’ve already provided guidance on this on how it can be handled differently - SEE IF THEY IMPLEMENTED OUR RECOMMENDATION | ? | |||||
SIS release/version in API know which version LEA is running | CONCEPT | There are many different factors that can cause LEA’s data issues, including the SIS version. Knowing which version the LEA is on helps DPI staff to troubleshoot issues. | Having this data sent to the API saves DPI staff time spent on finding an answer to an issue or waiting for a response from the vendors and the LEAs. | W | S | NA | ||||
Year based Credential - Ed Cred (REFID999) | CANCELLED | Pick this project back up to allow for year based credentials by vendor and LEA to simplify management. LEAs would need to verify annually | Might make it easier for LEAs to understand what authorization levels they are providing to vendor and year boundaries. | 2022.01.28 Pick based up once 5.3 is operational in PROD and performing well; stay tuned based on Ed-FI Community direction | W | S/M | Medium |
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