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Information about Local Education Agencies (LEAs) may be obtained from the WISEdata API via a GET request on the /localEducationAgencies endpoint. For more information, visit /localEducationAgencies
Data Properties:
Click here to view all data properties under the /chartOfAccounts endpoint:
# | Property Name | Data Type | Business Definition |
1.0 | accountIdentifier | string | The full 18-digit account string (“00T000000000000000”) |
2.0 | educationOrganizationId | integer | For restricted accounts, It will be LEAID; otherwise DPI 48856 |
3.0 | fiscalYear | integer | Fiscal year for which the COA is in effect for LEA accounting and reporting (e.g. 2020 for fiscal year 2020, the 2019-2020 school year) |
4.0 | FundCode | string | Fund: the fund from which monies are being expended; The two-digit WUFAR fund associated with the account |
5.0 | ProgramCode | string | Not used by WI. "Program" in NPEFS means regular ed, special ed, vocational ed, or other; WUFAR identifies this information by fund and function |
6.0 | FunctionCode | string | Function: the function for which the funds are being spent; The six-digit WUFAR function associated with the account |
7.0 | ObjectCode | string | Object: the object on which the funds are being spent, the three-digit WUFAR object or source code associated with the account. Exists only with expenditure accounts |
8.0 | ProjectCode | string | Project: A code used to track expenditures associated with a particular grant, aid program, or other locally identified project. DPI assigns project codes for DPI-administered funding programs |
9.0 | SourceCode | string | Source: the source of funds, the three-digit WUFAR object or source code associated with the account. Exists only with revenue accounts. |
10.0 | accountName | string | The descriptive name given to an account |
11.0 | accountTypeDescriptor | string | Indicates the type of the of the descriptor should be selected matching to the the third digit in the account identifier. |
13.0 | reportingTagDescriptor | string | A ReportingTagdescriptor will be collection used at chart of account levels to demote the F33, CRDC,SLFS,ESSATag etc. Ex: A COA would map to the Salary section on the F33 report- reporting tag would be F33, value would be Salary |
14.0 | tagValue | string | N/A |
Use Cases:
Click here to view all the use cases pertaining to the /chartOfAccounts endpoint:
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
| Retreving LEA and School data from the appropriate school year | Vendors should be able to do a GET on /localEducationAgencies and ingest the LEA details into their system. | GET on /localEducationAgencies |
| Retreving the DPI accounts from the appropriate year | Account data is pushed into the WISEdata API via an internal ETL job from the WUFAR Chart of Account (COA) list provided by School Financial Services team. The /chartOfAccount endpoint is a DPI managed resource. In Wisconsin, the COA are referred as WUFAR Chart of Accounts. Vendors should do a GET on the /chartOfAccount endpoint with educationOrganizationId as ‘48856’ The account string generated in the COA is per the WUFAR COA in the order of : DPI loads the Balance Sheet Accounts (Current Year Beginning Balance from the Prior year Ending Balance). POST, PUT, and DELETE on this endpoint are not allowed.
| GET on /chartOfAccounts |
| Changes to Chart of Accounts in a fiscal year | Chart of Accounts may be revised more than once in a fiscal year. The initial annual WUFAR Chart of Accounts update happens in the Spring, and it includes new and/or deleted accounts for the next fiscal year. Anything after the initial update would be additional accounts only (not deletes). All the WUFAR changes will be reflected in the /chartOfAccounts endpoint and vendors may do a GET on the /chartOfAccount endpoint. | GET on /chartOfAccounts |
| Retreving the LEA-specific accounts from the appropriate year | All the chart of accounts are populated by DPI, but certain funds and accounts may only be used by specific school districts. This means only the specific LEAa are authorized to use theses chart of accounts. Some examples are: “Milwaukee City Paid Debt” allowed only by Milwaukee School District and "Fund 48” is allowable only for Kenosha School District. WISEdata Finanace will have validation messages when incorrect Chart of Accounts is used by LEAs. Vendors should do a GET on the /chartOfAccount endpoint with educationOrganizationId as /4387' | GET on /chartOfAccounts |
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