Sandbox (UAT) and Production Environments

WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs

Sandbox (UAT) and Production Environments

Technology vendors must obtain approval from DPI (UAT) or the LEA (PROD) before data can transmitted through the Wisconsin WISEdata REST API. The Ed-Fi Credential application provides a method for DPI or districts/schools to authorize the transmission of data. Viewing data can be managed via your software or Swagger (See Vendor Onboarding Process or Development Resources for more information). LEAs view data submitted to the API via the WISEdata Portal. See the table below for more information on how to access these applications and data management.


User Acceptance Test


Access WAMS ID
Before you can start using the any WISE applications you'll need to set up a Web Access Management System (WAMS) Account.

Remember, you'll need a separate account for each environment.

Visit Wisconsin Web Access Management System (UAT) to create a WAMS ID for the sandbox.

From this website, you can:

  • Self-Register (Request a Wisconsin User ID and Password.)

  • Manage your profile (email, passwords and other information)

  • Recover your account if you have forgotten your ID or password

After you obtain a WAMS ID, fill out this vendor https://dpi.wi.gov/wisedata/vendors/contact form:

  1. Select Inquiry Type = “Request Access UAT Environment (Sandbox)

  2. Include your WAMS ID in the “Additional Details” section, Admin v Read-only, in the “Additional Details” section.

Visit the Wisconsin Web Access Management System (PROD) production site to:

After you obtain a WAMS ID , from the WISEhome page, click the “Request Access” menu item to open the Customer Request Access form. This form should be completed for the LEA whose information you need production access.

  1. Select Public or Private LEA Type.

  2. Next, choice the appropriate District/School combination or Choice LEA.

  3. Enter your job title.

  4. Select the Applications you need access to.

A message will be sent to the selected LEAs District Security Administrator (DSA) when you click Request Access.

Data management

As with the production environment, The Local Education Agency (LEA) and/or its vendor are responsible for overseeing data management. The data within the User Acceptance environment is not a replica of production data; instead, it is under the management of the vendor.

For a vendor to have access to the Ed-Fi API, the Local Education Agency (LEA) needs to use the Ed-Fi Credential application to manage application credentials and define what school year the vendors have access, when applicable to avoid overlapping services. With a Key and Secret and URL, the LEA is able to provide the vendor the appropriate information needed for a vendor to access the API.

Ed-Fi Credential Application

WISE Home (UAT) hosts the WISE applications you have been granted access.

The Ed-Fi Credential application provides vendors with valuable information. The menus available include:

  • Profile: Hosts a list of vendors users and Ed-fi URLs

  • Credentials: Used to manage encryption credentials. Here, you can view API subscriptions as well as reset your credentials and “Data Cleanup” data by endpoint.

  • LEA Monitoring: A place to monitor error volumes and common errors.

  • LEA Info: Where you’ll find LEA ID (aka Ed-Fi ID), School ID/Code, the school’s name, and a WIR ID when available.

  • Vendor Resources: Used to post reference materials to clients and DPI.

Need LEAs for testing? Fill out the vendor https://dpi.wi.gov/wisedata/vendors/contact form. Inquiry type - General Question. In the Details section, include the LEA ID and name to be added.

WISE Home (PROD) hosts the WISE applications you have been granted access.


Ed-Fi URLs

Ed-Fi Credential (UAT) provides users with a list of Authentication, Base, and Swagger Production URLs.

Ed-Fi URLs differ by environment and the version of the Ed-Fi API.

Ed-Fi Credential (PROD)

Ed-Fi URLs differ by environment and the version of the Ed-Fi API.

WISEdata Portal

Vendors can view data submitted in the UAT environment through the API by using SQL queries or Swagger.

To understand what the LEA sees from the WISEdata Portal, you can request read-only access for each LEA individual. When you select the “Request Access” function from the menu bar on the WISEhome page.

This will open the Customer Request Access form. In the Comments state that you are a vendor with request details.

A message will be sent to the LEA’s District Security Administrator who will grant you read-only access to the production environment.

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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction