WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs
Additional Resources
This page provides information on additional resources that can help vendors learn about WISEdata and other WISE applications.
➲ Help for WISEdata, WISEid, WISEstaff
Here you’ll find access to help links, user guides, training and support links.
User Group Webinars: Visit the WISE Events Calendar page and search for WISE User Group or WISEstaff Weekly User Group.
Help Pages - WISE application resources: User Guides, topic Info, Help and FAQs
Training & Support Links: WISE Events Calendars, WISE Training, Data Elements, release notes, KBAs and more!
➲ WISEdata Validation Rules & Knowledge Base Articles
This Google Sheets is updated nightly by the DPI. This link serves as a tool for both LEAs and Vendors to see the full suite of validations that we run. Use 'Ctrl/Cmd + F' to search for a specific validation.
➲ WISE Mini Tutorials
This page contains links below to user guides, mini tutorials, and info, Help and FAQ pages.
➲ WISE Trainings
The Training Hub for all WISE Applications.
➲ WISEdata Events Calendar
A link to all WISEdata and School Financial Services related events, User Group calls, Trainings, vendor conference, sessions on a specific topic (ex. CTE) and more. Additionally, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in Wisconsin depend on their vendors to submit daily, ever-changing school data to the DPI. Twice a year, December and May, DPI captures a “snapshot” of this dynamic data.
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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction