1.0 | Sending local actuals | LEAs are expected to submit actuals to the local account which is referenced to the DPI chart of account. | POST on /localActuals: asOfDate: 2021-09-26 localAccountReference: accountIdentifier: 18 digit account string. Can be the same AccountIdentifier on /chartOfAccount or a granular local account. educationOrganizationId: 3166 fiscalYear: 2020, amount: 8449.93 |
2.0 | Sending the local actual amounts multiple times for an account | Sometimes LEAs need to correct the local actual amount for an account. If the account is already submitted to DPI with an As-of-Date, then LEAs has to submitted corrected amount with a new As-of-Date. The amount with the latest As-of-Date is treated as valid amount when multiple amounts are submitted for the same chart of account in the same fiscal year. | POST on /localActuals: asOfDate: 2021-09-26 localAccountReference: accountIdentifier: 18 digit account string. Can be the same AccountIdentifier on /chartOfAccount or a granular local account. educationOrganizationId: 3166 fiscalYear: 2020, amount: 8449.93 POST on /localActuals: asOfDate: 2021-12-19 localAccountReference: accountIdentifier: 18 digit account string. Can be the same AccountIdentifier on /chartOfAccount or a granular local account. educationOrganizationId: 3166 fiscalYear: 2020, amount: 9000 |