Use Cases for the 2024-25 SY

WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs

Use Cases for the 2024-25 SY

Roster and Career Education - Public LEAs

Transition from SCED 10.0 to SCED 11.0 (/course ) - Public Schools Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Retrieving the new course data (SCED 11.0) from the WISEdata API

SIS vendors should be able to do a GET on /courses and ingest the course details into their system

• SIS vendors should keep their course catalog current with the SCED relevant to the appropriate school year

- 2022-23 SY: SCED 9.0
- 2023-24 SY: SCED 10.0
- 2024-25 SY: SCED 11.0

• The SCED 11 includes 'New' and 'Deprecate' courses.
- Courses with courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor as 'New' are new courses added for the 24-25 SY onward. Example of new courses for the 24/25 SY: (Course Title - SCED Code) - Computer Programming - 10152

• For descriptor values, see /course page: /courses
• The 2024-25 course list is also available as a CSV file: Courses

GET on /courses:

"courseCode": "16399",

"academicSubjectDescriptor": "uri://ceds.ed.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor#17",

"courseDescription": "Computer Science (prior-to-secondary) courses cover basic principles of computer science. In these courses, students learn how to develop and follow basic algorithms, collect and organize data, troubleshoot hardware and software issues, and think critically about online safety and responsibility. Topics may also include modeling network and transmission protocols; transforming data using computational tools; iteratively developing, testing, and documenting programs; computational thinking; and addressing bias and accessibility in the design and development of technologies. Courses may include learning about emerging technologies.",

"courseTitle": "Computer Science (prior-to-secondary)",

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#SCED",
"identificationCode": "10152"

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#New",
"identificationCode": "16399"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#G"


Retrieving the new WL courses from the WISEdata API

SIS vendors should be able to do a GET on /courses and ingest the course details into their system

  • The courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor helps vendors identify if the course is part of Career and Technical Education, World Language, Art Category:

  • Courses with courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor as ‘WLL’ have subgroups by language.
    Example of new WL courses for the 24/25 SY: (Course Title - SCED Code)

- World Language--General - 24959

Courses with courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor as ‘AC’ are included in the Art subcategories: dance, music, theatre, and art & design.

Courses with courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor as ‘CTE’ denote whether or not the course is part of Career and Technical Education.

GET on /courses:

"courseCode": "16371",

"courseDescription": "Hmong Conversation and Culture courses provide students with an introduction to the Hmong language and the culture(s) of Hmong-speaking people, placing greater emphasis on speaking and listening skills while deemphasizing writing and reading the language. This is General or Regular course.",

"courseTitle": "Hmong Conversation and Culture",

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#SCED",
"identificationCode": "24959"

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#New",
"identificationCode": "16371"

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#WLL",
"identificationCode": "Hmong Exploratory"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#G"


Retrieving the new CTE courses from the WISEdata API

SIS vendors should be able to do a GET on /courses and ingest the course details into their system

  • The CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor helps vendors derive specific course designation (e.g. rigor level 'G, H, B', 'AP', 'IB-Primary', etc.).

The values G, B, X, E, and H indicate the course's rigor level

The values AP, DiplProg, IB-Primary, IB-Middle, and IB-Career indicate IB and AP programmes,
and the levels of programmes.

The values CTE-A, CTE-B, CTE-F, CTE-H, CTE-M, and CTE-T indicate the program area type
(a.k.a CTE Department) for CTE courses
Example of new CTE courses for the 24/25 SY: (Course Title - SCED Code):

Information Technology—School-based Enterprise - 10993

Health Care Sciences—School-based Enterprise - 14993


GET on /courses:

"courseCode": "16400",

"academicSubjectDescriptor": "uri://ceds.ed.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor#17",

"courseDescription": "Information Technology—School-based Enterprise courses provide students the opportunity to learn about and manage an entrepreneurial operation related to information technology within a school setting. Students will develop interpersonal and professional skills. Topics may include operations, product services management, pricing, distribution, and marketing.",
"courseTitle": "Information Technology—School-based Enterprise",

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#SCED",
"identificationCode": "10993"

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#New",
"identificationCode": "16400"

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#CTE",
"identificationCode": "2018"

"levelCharacteristics": {

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#G"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#CTE-T"

Rigor Level Removal (/courses) - Public LEAs Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Retrieving the rigor level for courses in 24/25 SY

DPI will eliminate the “Rigor Level” attribute from courses in 25/26 SY. In the 24/25 SY, all courses that will be eliminated next year are labeled as 'Deprecated'

In 24/25 SY:

  • All new courses are designated either 'Regular & General' or 'Enriched and Advanced' rigor level

  • Course that will be eliminated in 25/26 SY will be labeled as deprecated; LEAs using these courses will receive error code 6798.

In 25/26 SY:

  • AP and IB courses will maintain course code with the 'Enriched and Advanced' rigor level designation

  • All other courses will maintain course code with the 'Regular & General' rigor level designation

  • The remaining course codes will be removed.

GET on /courses:

"courseCode": "10001", << Labeled as deprecated

"academicSubjectDescriptor": "uri://ceds.ed.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor#03",

"courseDescription": "Physical Geography courses equip students with an understanding of the constraints and possibilities that the physical environment places on human development. These courses include discussion of the physical landscape through geomorphology and topography, the patterns and processes of climate and weather, and natural resources. This is Honors course.",

"courseTitle": "Physical Geography",

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#SCED",
"identificationCode": "03007H"

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#D",
"identificationCode": "10001"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#H"


"courseCode": "10002", << Not labeled as deprecated

"academicSubjectDescriptor": "uri://ceds.ed.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor#03",

"courseDescription": "Physical Geography courses equip students with an understanding of the constraints and possibilities that the physical environment places on human development. These courses include discussion of the physical landscape through geomorphology and topography, the patterns and processes of climate and weather, and natural resources. This is General or Regular course.",

"courseTitle": "Physical Geography",

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#SCED",
"identificationCode": "03007G"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#G"

Program Area Type Designation & Reporting (/courses & /sections ) - Public LEAs Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Getting courses to view the Program Area Types (a.k.a CTE Department)

A CTE course can have more than one Program Area Type (a.k.a CTE Department). For example:

6687 - Telecommunications (SCED 10006G)
CTE Departments: CTE-B; CTE-T

Having the Program Area Type (a.k.a CTE Department) displayed on the course list will will assist LEAs in identifying and reporting CTE courses effectively.

GET on /courses:

"courseCode": "6687",
"academicSubjectDescriptor": "uri://ceds.ed.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor#10",
"courseDescription": "Telecommunications courses address the growth in global communications and the emerging equipment and systems needed to successfully communicate in a global environment. These courses cover such topics as data communication protocol and systems, government regulations of the communications industry, the use of cost-effective and productive tools to transmit messages and data, and live synchronistic video exchanges. Other topics may include telecommunications terminology, tools and test equipment; customer service experience; and installation, repair, and delivery of telecommunications systems. In these courses, students may learn about such communication systems as e-mail, internet, or e-commerce, local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), voice transmission, cell phone technology, teleconferencing, and videoconferencing. This is General or Regular course.",

"courseTitle": "Telecommunications",

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#SCED",
"identificationCode": "10006G"

"courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptor#CTE",
"identificationCode": "2010,2018"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#CTE"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#G"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#CTE-B"

"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#CTE-T"


Sending a section with the Program Area Type (a.k.a CTE Department)

Given that a course may fall under multiple CTE Departments, the SIS/LEA is required to communicate to DPI the chosen CTE Department for the reported course.​

The CTE Department is reported on /section (courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor)

Starting the 2024-25 SY, the Course Level Characteristic Descriptors is used for CTE. Possible values are:
CTE-A Agriculture and Natural Resources Education
CTE-B Business and Information Technology Education
CTE-F Family and Consumer Science Education
CTE-H Health Science Education
CTE-M Marketing Education
CTE-T Technology and Engineering Education

Example 1:
6687 - Telecommunications (SCED 10006G)
CTE Departments: Arts, A\V Technology and Communications (CTE-B),
or Information Technology (CTE-T)

POST /courseOffering:

"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"courseCode": "6687",
"schoolId": 2097,
"schoolId": 2097,
"schoolYear": 2025,
"sessionName": "Sess-7310",
"localCourseCode": "LCC-7310",
"careerPathwayDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CareerPathwayDescriptor#3"

POST on /sections:

"localCourseCode": "LCC-7310",
"schoolId": 2097,
"sessionName": "Sess-7310",
"schoolYear": 2025
"sectionIdentifier": "Sec-7310",
"instructionLanguageDescriptor": " ",
"mediumOfInstructionDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/MediumOfInstructionDescriptor#F2F",
"sequenceOfCourse": "1",
"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#CTE-B"


Sending a course with the Program Area Type (a.k.a CTE Department)

Given that a course may fall under multiple CTE Departments, the SIS/LEA is required to communicate to DPI the chosen CTE Department for the reported course.​

Example 2:
6039 - Entrepreneurship (SCED 12053G)
CTE Departments: Business (CTE-B), or Management and Administration (CTE-M)



POST /courseOffering:

"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"courseCode": "6039 ",
"schoolId": 2097,
"schoolId": 2097,
"schoolYear": 2025,
"sessionName": "Sess-6039",
"localCourseCode": "LCC-6039",
"careerPathwayDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CareerPathwayDescriptor#3"

POST on /sections:

"localCourseCode": "LCC-6039",
"schoolId": 2097,
"sessionName": "Sess-6039",
"schoolYear": 2025
"sectionIdentifier": "Sec-6039",
"instructionLanguageDescriptor": " ",
"mediumOfInstructionDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/MediumOfInstructionDescriptor#Virtual",
"sequenceOfCourse": "1",
"courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CourseLevelCharacteristicDescriptor#CTE-M"

Program Type and Program Name Changes - Public LEAs Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Reporting certified career education programs at a course-level

Certified career education (CE) program reported at course level and program-level.

When a course is identified as part of a CE program, it is not necessary for all students taking the course to be participating in the program. Consequently, DPI expects SIS/LEA to transmit student participation in a program using the /studentsectionAssociation.

These career education programs differ from courses in that they don't have a definitive outcome at the end of a single course. Instead, they represent a combination of courses taken over multiple years, which is why a career education program has a Certificated Program Status.

Therefore, student participation is reported on /studentSectionAssociation, while the student's certificated program status is reported on /StudentCTEProgramAssociation.

Starting 24-25 SY, the program type "certified" is updated to "IRC"

Possible ProgramTypeDescriptor code values for reporting IRC data:

  • Certified (Certified Career Education Program) for 23/24 and prior

  • IRC (Industry Recognized Credentials) for 24/25 and after

Possible programName code values for reporting IRC data:

  • IRC - Not State Approved

  • IRC State Approved Business & Industry

  • IRC State Approved WTCS- Associates

  • IRC State Approved WTCS- Embedded Technical Diploma

  • IRC State Approved WTCS- Technical Diploma

For students with Coursework enrollment type, the Certificated Program Status is assigned to the primary enrollment.

Possible CertificatedProgramStatusDescriptor code values:

  • A (Completed without Certificate)

  • B (Continuing Exited)

  • C (Exited)

  • D (Completed with Certificate)

If certified CE program reported at student-level, then POST on /studentsectionAssociation:
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programName": "IRC State Approved Business & Industry",
"programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#IRC"


POST on /studentCTEProgramAssociation
"educationOrganizationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programtypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#IRC",
"programname": "IRC State Approved Business & Industry"
"certificatedProgramStatusDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CertificatedProgramStatusDescriptor#B"


Reporting certified career education programs at a non-course-level

Certified career education (CE) program reported at non-course level.

The student is not taking any courses offered as part of career education. However, they are engaged in fieldwork or another qualifying form of study, making them eligible to participate in the career education program.

Starting 24-25 SY, the program type "certified" is updated to "IRC"

Possible ProgramTypeDescriptor code values for reporting IRC data:

  • Certified (Certified Career Education Program) for 23/24 and prior

  • IRC (Industry Recognized Credentials) for 24/25 and after

Possible programName code values for reporting IRC data:

  • IRC - Not State Approved

  • IRC State Approved Business & Industry

  • IRC State Approved WTCS- Associates

  • IRC State Approved WTCS- Embedded Technical Diploma

  • IRC State Approved WTCS- Technical Diploma

For students with Coursework enrollment type, the Certificated Program Status is assigned to the primary enrollment.

Possible CertificatedProgramStatusDescriptor code values:

  • A (Completed without Certificate)

  • B (Continuing Exited)

  • C (Exited)

  • D (Completed with Certificate)

If certified CE program reported at course-level, then POST on /studentCTEProgramAssociation:

"educationOrganizationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programtypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#IRC",
"programname": "IRC State Approved Business & Industry"
"certificatedProgramStatusDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CertificatedProgramStatusDescriptor#B",


Reporting non-certified career education programs

In order for a career education or career based learning experience to be considered a qualifying work based learning experience for data reporting purposes, specific criteria
must be met. [https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/wisedata/pdf/Career_Education_Program_Definitions_updates.pdf].

Non-certified career education program can be reported at course level and non-course level.

Starting 24-25 SY, the program type "non-certified" is updated to "WBL".

Possible ProgramTypeDescriptor code value for reporting WBL data:

  • Non Certified (Non Certified Career Education Program) for 23/24 and prior

  • WBL (Work-based Learning) for 24/25 and after

Starting 24-25 SY, the some program names have moved under the WBL program type:

Possible programName code values for reporting WBL data:

  • Entrepreneurial Student Business

  • Internship/Local Co-op

  • School-based Enterprise

  • Simulated Worksite

  • Supervised Agricultural Experience

  • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills

  • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational

  • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership

  • Youth Apprenticeship

If non-certified CE program reported at course level then POST on /studentsectionAssociation:
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programName": "Youth Apprenticeship",
"programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#WBL"


POST on /studentCTEProgramAssociation:
"educationOrganizationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programtypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#WBL",
"programname": "Youth Apprenticeship"
If non-certified CE program reported at non-course level then submit /studentCTEProgramAssociation
"educationOrganizationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programname": "Youth Apprenticeship"


Reporting dual enrollment programs

Dual enrollment program can be reported at student-level and program-level.

The program type "Dual" remains unchanged.

ProgramTypeDescriptor code value for reporting dual enrollment data:

  • Dual (Dual Enrollment Program)

Possible programName code values for reporting Dual data:

  • College Course with UW System

  • College Course with WI Private College

  • College Course with WI Technical College

  • College Course with WI Tribal College

  • High School Course with UW System

  • High School Course with WI Private College

  • High School Course with WI Technical College

  • High School Course with WI Tribal College

  • Out-of-state Dual Enrollment

If reported at student-level then POST on /studentsectionAssociation:
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programName": "College Course with UW System",
"programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#Dual"



Sending a student who has multiple certificated statuses under a single IRC program name involves indicating the certificated program status

Regardless of the number of certificates obtained under one program name (e.g., IRC State Approved Business & Industry), if a student completes one and continues to another, they should mark the certificated program status as 'Completed.' The LEA is advised to submit the most accurate status.

For instance:

Semester 1: IRC - CNA certificate - completed
Semester 2: IRC - Welding certificate - not completed

POST on /studentCTEProgramAssociation:
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#IRC",
" programName": IRC State Approved Business & Industry


Sending a student who's enrolled in multiple sections and participating in CE program

If a student exits a section and returns to the same section within the same term, the SIS ends the initial student section and creates a new student section with a new start date. In both instances, the student section should be associated with student program participation.

Example: student left the class and joined back in the same section.

Student Section A
Section Reference: A
Begin Date: 08/10/2024
End Date: 10/01/2024
Program Name : Simulated Worksite

Student Section B
Section Reference: A
Begin Date: 10/10/2024
End Date:
Program Name : Simulated Worksite

POST on /studentSectionAssociations:

  • /studentsectionAssociation A

"beginDate": "2024-08-10",
"endDate": "2024-10-01",
"programReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programName": "Simulated Worksite",
"programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#WBL"

  • /studentSectionAssociation B

"beginDate": "2024-10-10",
"endDate": " ",
"programReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programName": "Simulated Worksite",
"programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#WBL"

Parent/Guardian Data Collection Expansion for Summer EBT - All LEAs


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Sending student's parent/guardian information

For 2024-25 SY, the parent/guardian data collection has been updated to include legal guardian information, living arrangements, and primary contact status.

These new data elements will facilitate the distribution of Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (S-EBT) cards to families, ensuring a more targeted and efficient outreach strategy based on the enhanced data insights.

Additional considerations:

  • The vendor authorization is based on that LEA ID prefix (e.g. 5006058-JS007), which is the LEA ID in the target year, i.e. 2021-22 SY.

  • The order for posting JSON is: /student, /studentSchoolAssociation, /parent, then /studentParentAssociation

  • The First Name, Last Name, and Parent Unique ID are required data properties. Other data properties are optional.

  • Without posting the /studentParentAssociation record, vendor cannot do a GET on /parent

  • The /Parent record cannot be updated until the /studentParentAssociation record is posted.

POST on /parent

POST on /studentParentAssociations:

"parentUniqueId": "5004934-6737512",
"studentUniqueId": "1025340078",
"relationDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/RelationDescriptor#G",
"legalGuardian": true,
"livesWith": true,
"primaryContactStatus": true


Sending the student's parent/guardian information for a student who resides with their mother, but the legal guardian is the grandparent

The student resides with their mother (livesWith: true), but the legal guardian is the grandparent (legalGuardian: true). The mother in this example is marked as the primary contact (primaryContactStatus: true).

POST on /parent
POST on /studentParentAssociations: FOR THE MOTHER

"parentUniqueId": "5004934-6737512",
"studentUniqueId": "1025340078",
"relationDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/RelationDescriptor#M",
"legalGuardian": false,
"livesWith": true,
"primaryContactStatus": true

POST on /parent
POST on /studentParentAssociations: FOR THE GRANDPARENT

"parentUniqueId": "5004934-6737512",
"studentUniqueId": "1025340078",
"relationDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/RelationDescriptor#G",
"legalGuardian": true,
"livesWith": false,
"primaryContactStatus": false


Sending the student's parent/guardian information for a student who lives with the grandparent, but the father is identified as the legal guardian

The father is identified as the legal guardian (legalGuardian: true), but the student lives with the grandparent (livesWith: true), who is also in this example assigned as the primary contact (primaryContactStatus: true).

POST on /parent
POST on /studentParentAssociations: FOR THE FATHER

"parentUniqueId": "5004934-6737512",
"studentUniqueId": "1025340078",
"relationDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/RelationDescriptor#F",
"legalGuardian": true,
"livesWith": false,
"primaryContactStatus": false

POST on /parent
POST on /studentParentAssociations: FOR THE GRANDPARENT

"parentUniqueId": "5004934-6737512",
"studentUniqueId": "1025340078",
"relationDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/RelationDescriptor#G",
"legalGuardian": false,
"livesWith": true,
"primaryContactStatus": true


Sending the home and mailing address for student's parent/guardian
(Regression Test)

The student's parent/guardian can share the same address for both Home and Mailing or have distinct addresses for Home and Mailing.

"POST on /parents:

""parentUniqueId"": ""7533-15683211"",
""firstName"": ""Avye-Mom"",
""generationCodeSuffix"": ""II"",
""lastSurname"": ""Strong-Mom"",
""middleName"": ""FIAf-Mom"",
""addressTypeDescriptor"": ""uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#M"",
""city"": ""Terre Haute"",
""postalCode"": ""47801"",
""stateAbbreviationDescriptor"": ""uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#IN"",
""streetNumberName"": ""2850 SHoepkerert Rd"",
""apartmentRoomSuiteNumber"": ""567"",
""buildingSiteNumber"": ""GreeneBldg1"",

""addressTypeDescriptor"": ""uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#H"",
""city"": ""Madison"",
""postalCode"": ""53119"",
""stateAbbreviationDescriptor"": ""uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#WI"",
""streetNumberName"": ""S Webster Street"",
""apartmentRoomSuiteNumber"": ""349"",
""buildingSiteNumber"": ""125"",

""electronicMailAddress"": ""Mom_Home.7533-15683211@test.dpi.com"",
""electronicMailTypeDescriptor"": ""uri://dpi.wi.gov/ElectronicMailTypeDescriptor#H""

""languageDescriptor"": ""uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor#RHG"",

""telephoneNumber"": ""1023456789"",
""telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor"": ""uri://dpi.wi.gov/TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor#H""

""telephoneNumber"": ""1203456789"",
""telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor"": ""uri://dpi.wi.gov/TelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor#M""


Sending the the student's parent/guardian address information when they only have a Home address
(Regression Test)

provides a single Home address without a corresponding Mailing address. In this scenario, the residential address serves as the Mailing address

POST on /parents:

"parentUniqueId": "7533-15683211",
"firstName": "Avye-Mom",
"generationCodeSuffix": "II",
"lastSurname": "Strong-Mom",
"middleName": "FIAf-Mom",
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#H",
"city": "Terre Haute",
"postalCode": "47801",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#IN",
"streetNumberName": "2850 SHoepkerert Rd",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "567",
"buildingSiteNumber": "GreeneBldg1",

"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#M",
"city": "Terre Haute",
"postalCode": "47801",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#IN",
"streetNumberName": "2850 SHoepkerert Rd",
"apartmentRoomSuiteNumber": "567",
"buildingSiteNumber": "GreeneBldg1",


Sending the the student's parent/guardian address information when have a P.O Box for the Mailing address
(Regression Test)

The student's parent/guardian specifies a P.O. Box as the Mailing address, omitting a street address. In this instance, the mailing address uniquely relies on the P.O. Box for postal communication.

POST on /parents:

"parentUniqueId": "7533-33101361",
"firstName": "Cairo-Dad",
"generationCodeSuffix": "III",
"lastSurname": "Rios-Dad",
"middleName": "Rt-Dad",
"addressTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/AddressTypeDescriptor#M",
"city": "Madison",
"postalCode": "53704",
"stateAbbreviationDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/StateAbbreviationDescriptor#WI",
"streetNumberName": "P.O. Box 5678",

New Languages on /LanguageDescriptor - Public LEAs

Remove K3 from Database Grade Levels - All LEAs

Pupil Count Report for Membership (Dual reporting 24/25 SY) - Public LEAs

Reporting Receiving Services on a Count Date

Reporting Full-Time Equivalency

Reporting Changes in the Residency Period

Daily Negative Attendance - All LEAs

School Calendar

Student Daily Negative Attendance

Timely Initial Evaluations (/studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociations & /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation ) - Public Only

Available API Integrations

Address Verification API for Vendors - Required Integration for All LEAs [Coming soon]

This integration enables seamless access for LEAs (via their vendors) to retrieve verified student addresses through our API.

WISEdata Ed-Fi Validations API - Optional Integration for All LEAs

This integration allows vendors to display the WISEdata validation messages within their product, which in turn will help LEAs to easily identify what the error/warning is and where to fix it. The WISEdata Ed-Fi Validations API is an optional integration, does not require integration testing, and can be completed at anytime during the school year. DPI does require vendors to demonstrate their implementation.

Staff Identity Integration - Optional Integration for All LEAs [Coming soon]

This integration helps LEAs with the retrieval, the potential matches review, and the creation of WISEids for staff through their SIS. Moreover, it will reduce the frequency of WISEid file uploads for LEAs.

Immunization Registry Integration - Optional Integration for All LEAs

This integration helps LEAs to retrieve their students' immunization records from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) system and ingest them into the SIS.


Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction