Use Cases for the 2023-24 SY

WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs

Use Cases for the 2023-24 SY

First Day of School (FDS) and Last Day of School (/session) - All LEAs


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Sending First Day of School (FDS) and Last Day of School (LDS) (Required 2023-24 SY and later)

SIS vendors should submit an 'Annual' session with a begin date and an end date that reflect the school calendar for all LEAs, regardless of type (Public school districts, public charter schools, and private choice schools, as well as DHS, DOC, WSD, WCBVI, and CDEB schools).

The SIS vendors/LEAs should send at least one 'Annual' session at the beginning of the school year to submit the FDS and the LDS.

This can be submitted using one of two methods:


SIS vendors/LEAs send at least one 'Annual' session at the beginning of the school year to submit the FDS and LDS.

  • The TermDescriptorId must be submitted as 'Annual'.

  • The month on the beginDate must within July, August or September

  • The month on the endDate must be within May or June.

  • The totalInstructionalDays for the School Calendar cannot be less than 180 days


Allow the DPI to derive the FDS and the LDS from /session records sent as part of the Roster data collections.

  • When multiple Annual sessions are submitted from the same school, then DPI will use the earliest beginDate and latest endDate.

  • When the Session dates go beyond the DPI SY calendar (7/1/XX - 06/30/XX+1), then DPI will pull the beginDate closest to 7/1 and the endDate closest to 6/30.

POST on /sessions

schoolId: 7525
schoolYear: 2024
termDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/TermDescriptor#A
sessionName: FDS/LDS or School Calendar
beginDate: 2023-08-21
endDate: 2024-06-30
totalInstructionalDays: 221


Updating the First Day of School (FDS) and the Last Day of School (LDS) after it has been submitted to WISEdata Portal (Required 2023-24 SY and later)

SIS vendor can update the beginDate and endDate on the /session endpoint. However, the sessionName is a primary key and cannot be updated.

If LEAs updates the sessionName, the SIS vendor will need to deleted the submitted /session resource and re-submit it with the updated sessionName.

POST on /sessions

     schoolId: 7525
    schoolYear: 2024
termDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/TermDescriptor#A
sessionName: FDS/LDS or School Calendar
beginDate: 2023-08-21
endDate: 2024-06-30
totalInstructionalDays: 313

DELETE on /sessions

POST on /sessions

     schoolId: 7525
     schoolYear: 2024
termDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/TermDescriptor#A
sessionName: School Calendar
beginDate: 2023-09-05
endDate: 2024-06-30
totalInstructionalDays: 298

Resident LEA Changes (/studentEducationOrganizationAssociation) - Public Schools Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Sending the Resident Local Education Agency (LEA) on the /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation (SEOA) endpoint

Starting the 2023-24 SY, the Resident LEA ID will no longer be collected under /SEOA. The Resident LEA ID will be part of the /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) endpoint under the ResidencyPeriod collection. This will affect the Membership Pupil Count Collection.

Prior to 2023-24, Resident LEA ID is submitted under /SEOA.

The Resident LEA ID cannot be a School ID.

The Resident LEA ID should not be reported under the extension of the /SEOA endpoint.
localEducationAgencyId: 2158

Instead, the Resident LEA ID will be submitted under the /SSA endpoint:
POST on /studentSchoolAssociation: (this will be covered as part of the pupil count integration testing)
residencyStatusDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#R
beginDate: 2023-09-05
endDate: 2024-06-30
localEducationAgencyId: 7738


Sending Resident LEA ID when the student's residence changes in the middle of the school year (District Resident)

The student's attending district could be different from the resident district. When the student residence change in the middle of the school year, SIS vendors/LEAs do not have to change the student's enrollment record (entryDate and exitWithdrawDate). Instead, the SIS vendor/LEA, can update the ResidencyPeriod on the /SSA record.

The Resident LEA ID cannot be a School ID.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:
residencyStatusDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#NR-OE
beginDate: 2023-09-22
localEducationAgencyId: 7738

PUT on /studentSchoolAssociation: (this will be covered as part of the pupil count integration testing)
residencyStatusDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#NR-OE
beginDate: 2023-09-22
endDate: 2023-12-11
localEducationAgencyId: 7538
residencyStatusDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#R
beginDate: 2023-12-12
endDate: 2024-06-30
localEducationAgencyId: 7533


Deleting Resident LEA ID on on the /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation (SEOA) endpoint and /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA)

LEAs/vendors can leave the the localEducationAgencyId data proerty as blank and reubmit the /SEOA or /SSA endpoint to remve the localEducationAgencyId value.

PUT on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation:

PUT on /studentSchoolAssociation: (this will be covered as part of the pupil count integration testing)

Enrollment Type Changes (/studentSchoolAssociation) - All LEAs


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Sending the Enrollment Type to WISEdata Portal

Starting the 2023-24 SY, the enrollmentTypeDescriptor will be a single-value data proparty -- not an array. SIS vendor will need to update their code to reflect the change.

Possible values for the enrollmentTypeDescriptor are:

  • P: Primary

  • PPP: Parent Placed Private (Public only)

  • C: Coursework (Public only)

  • M: Membership (Public only)

Prior to 2023-24 SY, the enrollmentTypeDescriptor was under the enrollmentTypes array:
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#P

Starting 2023-24 SY, the enrollmentTypeDescriptor will be a single-value data property:
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#P

Digital Equity Changes (/StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation) - All LEAs


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


SIS handling of data submitted/updated directly by the parent during/after online registration

Demo the SIS and parent portal, including the online registration screen, how data flows to WISEdata, and any quality checks implemented by SIS

Student digital equity data should flow to the Ed-Fi API (/studentEducationOrganizationAssociation endpoint) at the time of enrollment and whenever student data is updated.


Sending the digital equity questions and responses for a student enrolled in the school/district

Starting the 2023-24 SY, the Digital Equity data collection will no longer be collected as part of the studentIndicators under /SEOA.

The Digital Equity data will be collected on the below data properties:

  • InternetAccessInResidence (boolean):

Can the student access the internet on their primary learning device at home?

  • BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor (string):

If the student is unable to access internet in their primary place of residence, why not?

  • InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor (string):

What is the primary type of internet service used at the residence?

  • InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor (string):

Can the student stream a video on their primary learning device without interruption?

  • PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor (string):

What device does the student most often use to complete school work at home?

  • PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor (string):

Who provided the primary learning device to the student?

  • PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor (string):

Is the primary learning device shared with anyone else in the household?



POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation:
internetAccessInResidence: true
barrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor#Not Affordable
internetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor#Community Provided Wi-Fi
internetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor#Sometimes
primaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor#Chromebook
primaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor#School
primaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor#Shared


Editing the digital equity data for a student enrolled in the school/district

Via API update the student indicators on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation

Successfully update student indicators on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation


Sending the digital equity data points for a student with multiple enrollments in the school/district

Via API submit the student indicators on each /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation record

Enrollment in School 1: submits /SEOA
Enrollment in School 2: submits /SEOA

Data submitted on SEOA from each school may or may not be different.

Successfully submit student indicators on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation from both schools/districts


Sending contradicting Digital Equity values

Some Digital Equity responses submitted by families and LEAs contradict each other; therefore, SIS vendors should have some validations (if possible) to prevent LEAs from submitting contradictory responses.

Error 7154 will be displayed in WISEdata Portal when LEAs submit contradicting values.

If Q1. 'Internet Access in Residence' = 'Yes' then skip Q2. BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor and continue with Q3. InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor and Q4. InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor

If Q1. 'Internet Access in Residence' = 'No' then continue to Q2. BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor and skip Q3. InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor and Q4. InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor

If Q5. PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor =“None”, then end survey.

If Q5. PrimaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor is not “None”, then continue to Q6. PrimaryLearningDeviceProviderDescriptor and Q7. PrimaryLearningDeviceAccessDescriptor.


Deleting the digital equity data for a student enrolled in the school/district

LEA can either remove the submitted digital equity response by resubmitting the SEOA records and leaving the digital equity data properties blank.


They can delete /SEOA record and resubmit it with the updates responses (blank).

POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation:

internetAccessInResidence: True
internetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/InternetAccessTypeInResidenceDescriptor#Community Provided Wi-Fi
internetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/InternetPerformanceInResidenceDescriptor#Sometimes

Then PUT on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation:

internetAccessInResidence: False
barrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/BarrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor#Not Affordable
DELETE on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation

Discipline Changes (/StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation) and (/disciplineAction) - Public Schools Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Deprecating the /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint starting 2023-24 SY

The /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint will be deprecated starting the 23-24 SY.

Vendor should update their code and integration to NOT use the /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint on the 23/24 SY and after.

For 2022-23 and prior, vendors are expected to use the /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint.


Sending discipline incident data on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation starting 2023-24 SY

Vendor should update their code and integration to use the /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation endpoint starting on 23/24 SY.

For 2023-24 and after, vendors are expected to use the /StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation endpoint

POST on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation:
incidentIdentifier: INCid-QA-002
schoolId: 711
studentUniqueId: 1001360428
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#06
disciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/DisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor#Perpetrator
seriousBodilyInjury: false


Sending behavior

In v6, only one behaviorDescriptor can be submitted under the /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation endpoint.

  • Two /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation records may be associated to one /disciplineIncident record.

  • One behavior (studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation) may be associated to one or more action (disciplineActions)

POST on /disciplineIncident
schoolId: 17448
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
bincidentDate: 2023-09-15

POST on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation - Record 1: disciplineIncidentReference:
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#07 --> (Drug-Related)
_ext: wi:
disciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/DisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor#Perpetrator
seriousBodilyInjury: false

POST on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation - Record 2:
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#09 --> (Other Violation of School Rules)
_ext: wi:
disciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/DisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor#Perpetrator
seriousBodilyInjury: false
POST on /disciplineActions - Record 1:
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
disciplineActionIdentifier: 6.2.di.da
disciplineDate: 2023-09-20
actualDisciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisciplineDescriptor#01 --> (In School Suspension)
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#07
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
_ext: wi:
earlyReinstatementCondition: true

POST on /disciplineActions - Record 2:
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
disciplineActionIdentifier: 6.2.di.da-2
disciplineDate: 2023-09-20
actualDisciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisciplineDescriptor#02 --> (Out of School Suspension)
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#07
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#09
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
_ext: wi:
earlyReinstatementCondition: true


Deprecating the /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint starting 2023-24 SY

The /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint will be deprecated starting the 23-24 SY.

Vendor should update their code and integration to NOT use the /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint on the 23/24 SY and after.

For 2022-23 and prior, vendors are expected to use the /studentDisciplineIncidentAssociation endpoint.


Sending discipline incident data on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation starting 2023-24 SY

Vendor should update their code and integration to use the /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation endpoint starting on 23/24 SY.

For 2023-24 and after, vendors are expected to use the /StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation endpoint

POST on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation:
incidentIdentifier: INCid-QA-002
schoolId: 711
studentUniqueId: 1001360428
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#06
disciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/DisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor#Perpetrator
seriousBodilyInjury: false


Sending behavior

In v6, only one behaviorDescriptor can be submitted under the /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation endpoint.

One behavior (studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation) may be associated to one or more action (disciplineActions)

POST on /disciplineIncident
schoolId: 17448
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
bincidentDate: 2023-09-15

POST on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation - Record 1: disciplineIncidentReference:
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#07 --> (Drug-Related)
_ext: wi:
disciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/DisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor#Perpetrator
seriousBodilyInjury: false

POST on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation - Record 2:
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#09 --> (Other Violation of School Rules)
_ext: wi:
disciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/DisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor#Perpetrator
seriousBodilyInjury: false
POST on /disciplineActions - Record 1:
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
disciplineActionIdentifier: 6.2.di.da
disciplineDate: 2023-09-20
actualDisciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisciplineDescriptor#01 --> (In School Suspension)
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#07
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
_ext: wi:
earlyReinstatementCondition: true

POST on /disciplineActions - Record 2:
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
disciplineActionIdentifier: 6.2.di.da-2
disciplineDate: 2023-09-20
actualDisciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineActionLength: 0
disciplineDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/DisciplineDescriptor#02 --> (Out of School Suspension)
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#07
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
studentUniqueId: 3287340828
behaviorDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/BehaviorDescriptor#09
incidentIdentifier: 6.2.di
schoolId: 17448
_ext: wi:
earlyReinstatementCondition: true


Sending the discipline Actual Action Length

Starting the 2023-24 SY, the data type max for the data property 'actualDisciplineActionLength'
will be increased to be 4 digits to the left (e.g. 1000.5).

POST on /disciplineActions:
disciplineActionLength: 366.00
actualDisciplineActionLength: 1150.00

API v6.X (Ed-Fi Data Standard v4.x) Changes - All LEAs

Finance Changes (Annual Financial & Budget Reports /chartOfAccount and /localAccount) - Public Only

Transition from SCED 9.0 to SCED 10.0 (/course ) - Public Schools Only

World Language Codes for Indigenous Asian and North American Languages (/studentSectionAssociation) - Public Schools Only

CEIS Changes (/studentProgramAssociation) - Public Schools Only

Supporting different API Credentials (key/secret) in different school years - All LEAs

Student Address must be a physical residence (/StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation) - All LEAs

Term Completion Indicator (/studentSchoolAssociation) - Public Only

Parent Information (/Parent and /studentParentAssociation) - All LEAs

WISEdata Ed-Fi Validations API - Optional Integration for All LEAs

This integration allows vendors to display the WISEdata validation messages within their product, which in turn will help LEAs to easily identify what the error/warning is and where to fix it. The WISEdata Ed-Fi Validations API is an optional integration, does not require integration testing, and can be completed at anytime during the school year. DPI does require vendors to demonstrate their implementation.

Student Identity Integration - Required Integration for All LEAs

This integration helps LEAs with the retrieval, the potential matches review, and the creation of WISEids for students through their SIS. Moreover, it will reduce the frequency of WISEid file uploads for LEAs.

Immunization Registry Integration - Optional Integration for All LEAs

This integration helps LEAs to retrieve their students' immunization records from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) system and ingest them into the SIS.


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