Programmer's Guide for Immunization Registry Integration

WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs

Programmer's Guide for Immunization Registry Integration


Wisconsin schools and districts need access to student immunization records. These Immunization records are stored in the Wisconsin DHS HL7 system called Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR). Wisconsin DPI extended the EdFi API with an endpoint called immunizations which will act as a passthrough to the WiR (similar to identity works as a passthrough to the WISEid system). 

District SIS → Wisconsin DPI EdFi API → Wisconsin DHS HL7 WiR

Wisconsin DPI is the first to implement the immunization domain. The endpoints will be RESTful and a subset of functionality compared to similar domains (ex. Identity pass-thru to WISEid had an async paradigm). 

The student immunization currently only supports getting a student's immunization history synchronously to keep development simple and agile. If vendors identify the need for an asynchronous pattern - a similar pattern to identity will need to be implemented. In the same vein, (simple and agile) the student immunization will only support getting one student at a time, which is consistent with Wisconsin DPI Ed-Fi implementation primarily using the transactional paradigm, as opposed to bulk. Additionally, WiR doesn’t support bulk which would make it less feasible. Finally, I believe most district use cases will be on a per-student basis.

A final note about the immunization domain is the immunization history is unfiltered. In other words, the entire student immunization history will be returned with a get. The vendor software should filter the immunization history if that is a requirement by the district or vendor.







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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction