1.0 | Sending grades for a course that a student is enrolled in, which has multiple studentSectionAssociations for the same logical class due to change of begin dates | Only one ‘Final grade’ will be awarded to the student for the logical class irrespective of having multiple studentSectionAssociations with change in Begin Dates. Only one /grades endpoint should be submitted with a reference to one /studentSectionAssociation for the entire logical class. It is expected to receive the most recent studentSectionAssociation with the latest beginDate for the final grade record. Prerequisites: To be able to submit the /grades endpoint, the /gradingPeriod =endpoint should be submitted first (/grades has gradingPeriod reference). To be able to submit the /grades endpoint, the /studentSectionAssociation endpoint should be submitted first (/grades has studentSectionAssociation reference).
| POST on /grades: gradingPeriodReference: gradingPerioddescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradingPeriodDescriptor#07 periodSequence: 1 schoolId: 7525 schoolyear: 2021 studentSectionAssociationReference: studentUniqueId: 8660232105 schoolId: 7525 localCourseCode: LCC-121941 sectionIdentifier: Section-121941 schoolYear: 2021, sessionName: Sessions-121941 gradetypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeTypeDescriptor#Final performanceBaseConversionDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/PerformanceBaseConversionDescriptor#P letterGradeEarned: A numericGradeEarned: 01 |
2.0 | Sending grades for a course that is taught in a ‘Semester’, but has two final grades at the end of each Quarter | Since ‘Final Grades’ are awarded at the end of each Quarter, the ‘Term’ should be set up as a ‘Quarter’ and not as a ‘Semester’. This will allow one ‘Final grade’ to be submitted for the term set up. | POST on /grades |
3.0 | Sending grades for a course that is taught in a ‘Quarter’, but the ‘Final Grade’ is awarded at the end of two Quarter, i.e a ‘Semester’ | Since ‘Final Grades’ are awarded at the end of the ‘Semester’ , the ‘Term’ should be set up as a ‘Semester’ and not as a ‘Quarter’ . This will allow one ‘Final grade’ to be submitted for the term set up. | POST on /grades |
4.0 | Sending grades for multiple courses taught in the same class (e.g. Math and Science) | This should be reported as two different courses: one with a reference to the Math course, and the other with a reference to the Science course. The /grades endpoint should be submitted separately with the association to each course identifying student’s performance to determine Pass, Fail, or Incomplete. | POST on /grades |