Pupil Count Report for Membership (Public LEA Only)

WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs

Pupil Count Report for Membership (Public LEA Only)

This data collection is to count pupils for membership purposes on the third Friday in September and the second Friday in January (Pupil Count). This data collection is only for public LEA's. County Children with Disability Education Board (CCDEB) has a separate report from the Pupil Count report. For instructions on the Pupil Count Report, visit https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/sfs/pdf/guidelinesforcounting-Febuary-2021.pdf

In the Wisconsin School Finance Portal (WiSFiP) - Pupil Count module, DPI pre-fills counts for most of the pupil count categories. In cases where DPI does not have the data to pre-fill, then LEAs can manually enter the counts in the new Pupil Count module in WiSFiP.

For more information about the relationship between the accountability pupil count and the membership pupil count, visit Membership vs. Enrollment

This endpoint is NOT expected from Choice schools, Independent Charter schools, and State agencies

Data Properties:


Resource Name

Property Name

Data Type

Public (Required/ Optional/ Conditional)

Choice (Required/ Optional/ Conditional)

Business Definition

Data Element Page







The full-time equivalent ratio for the student s assignment to a school for services or instruction.

Full Time Equivalency: Pupil Count Program


EnrollmentTypeDescriptor (moved to core starting 2025-26)




Indicates how a student is enrolled at a school, whether as a Primary, Coursework, or Membership (see full description values & below)

Note: PPP (Parently Placed Private) enrollments are not counted in pupil count.

Enrollment Type






Indicates if a given enrollment record should be considered the primary record for a student.

Primary Service Provider (of Special Education Services)






An indication of the location of a persons legal residence relative to (within or outside of) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit. (see full description & values below)

Residency Begin and End Date: Pupil Count Pilot Program






The identifier assigned to a local education agency.

District of Residence (Resident District)

School in Resident District






The month, day, and year on which the student entered the residency status.







The month, day, and year on which the student exited the residency status.







The count date name for the student status (e.g 3rd Fri Sept). (see full description & values below)

Count Date Name: Pupil Count Pilot Program






The status of the student during the specific count date (e.g. Present)







Instructional minutes for up to two classes for part-time students

Part Time Instructional Minutes: Pupil Count Pilot Program



residentLocalEducationAgencyReference. localEducationAgencyId

This data property moved under the studentSchoolAssociation endpoint starting on the 2023-24 SY




The district in which the student resides. ​

District of Residence (Resident District)

School in Resident District







The formal name of the Program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies.

Value values are: ‘Challenge academy’ and ‘5 yr old Blended’







The type of program. Value should be: Other


Descriptors & Programs:

Resource Name

Descriptor Name

Code Value

Short Description

Long Description

Resource Name

Descriptor Name

Code Value

Short Description

Long Description






Non resident - Tuition waiver

Non resident - Tuition waiver


Non resident - 66.0301

Non resident - 66.0301


Non resident - CESA

Non resident - CESA


Non resident - Tuition

Non resident - Tuition


Non Resident- Tuition by parent

Non Resident- Tuition by parent


Non resident - 9-18 weeks special tuition

Non resident - 9-18 weeks special tuition


Non Resident - Open enrolled

Non Resident - Open enrolled


Non resident - CCDEB

Non resident - CCDEB


Non resident -Outside age eligibility

Non resident -Outside age eligibility


Resident- Homeschool

Resident- Homeschool


Resident- Private school

Resident- Private school


Resident -Outside age eligibility

Resident -Outside age eligibility


Non Resident- Homeschool

Non Resident- Homeschool


Non Resident-Chapter220

Non Resident-Chapter220


Non Resident - ChildrenHospital

Non Resident - ChildrenHospital


Non Resident - Juvenile facility/Jail

Non Resident - Juvenile facility/Jail




(The code ‘R’ should be sent when a student changes between non-resident and resident, but it isn't strictly necessary)



First Friday of May

First Friday of May


3rd Friday of September - Membership

3rd Friday of September - Membership


2nd Friday of Jan-Membership

2nd Friday of Jan-Membership




Present, receiving services on the count date



Absent, receiving services on the count date


Not Receiving Services

Not receiving services
















Program Names and Types:

Resource Name

Program Type Code Value

Program Type Description

Program Name




Challenge Academy



5 yr old Blended

Use Cases:

Reporting Count Dates for the Pupil Count Collection (Reporting Receiving Services):


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve

WiSFiP Pupil Count Module


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve

WiSFiP Pupil Count Module


Sending the receiving services for a student present on a count date for Pupil Count

(For 23-24 SY and later)

On each enrollment covering the count dates, LEAs have to submit receiving services on a count date for Pupil Count on /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA).

  • The Pupil must be in attendance for instruction on the count date; or

  • If absent on the count date, have attended at least one of the days
    before and at least one of the days after the count date and not have
    been enrolled in any other school or have been homeschooled
    during the absence.

The Pupil Count report has separate count dates and count date status than Acountability reporting.
Count Dates:

  • M- TFS (Third friday of september)

  • M-2FJ (second friday of Jan)

  • Milwaukee additonally has M-1FM (First Friday of May)

NOTE: SIS vendors need to ensure that the Count Date Status for accountability is independent from the Count Date Status for membership.

The residencyPeriod is added under the the studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) to avoid the need to end the existing SSA and start a new SSA when the residency information changes in the middle of the school year.

  • If the student is a regular resident student the whole time, then no need to send residencyPeriod, except for part-time resident students (R-Private or R-Home), a residencyPeriod is needed.

  • If the school is a 2R charter, a residencyPeriod is expected with ResidencyStatusDescriptor=R and the Resident LEA ID.

  • residencyStatusDescriptor ‘R’ is sent when a student changes between non-resident and resident, but it isn't strictly necessary.

    • DPI treats any part of the SSA, not covered by a residencyPeriod, as a resident enrollment for that period.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

entryDate: 2022-08-10
primarySchool: true
fullTimeEquivalency: 0.5
residencyStatusDescriptor: Null
partTimeInstructionalMinutes: Null
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#P
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-TFS
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#P
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-2FJ
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#P

Starting the 2023-24 SY, the Residency Status is moved under the /studentSchoolAssociation endpoint

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

residencyStatusDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#R
beginDate: 2023-09-22
endDate: 2023-12-22
localEducationAgencyId: (Resident LEA ID)

Note for testing : While testing for this use case

  • Verify SIS wire up count date recieving services

  • Understand the attendance calculation by SIS.

  • Actual testing can be done from 3.2 use case


Sending an enrollment record for a student whose status of recieving services is unknown.

  • If the student’s enrollment (studentSchoolAssociation) doesn’t cover the count date, you should leave both the CountDateNameDescriptor and CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor as blank/NULL.

  • If the student’s enrollment cover the count date AND the receiving services is unknown, then the LEAs can set the CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor to ‘N’ (this should be rare, and should be set up manually by the LEA).

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation

Student’s enrollment does NOT cover the count date:

entryDate : 09/18/2022
exitWithdrawDate: last day of attendance (e.g. 01/06/2023)
countDateNameDescriptor: ““
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: ““

Student’s enrollment cover the count date, and the student’s receiving services status is unknown:

entryDate : 08/22/2022
exitWithdrawDate: last day of attendance (e.g. 01/06/2023)
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-TFS
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#N

Note for testing : While testing for this use case

  • Verify SIS wire up count date recieving services

  • Understand the attendance calculation by SIS.

  • Actual testing can be done from 3.2 use case


Sending an enrollment record for a student who attended any day before count date absent on the count date and shows up any day after count date.

If the LEA is not aware of any break in the studen’t enrollment, then they should leave the enrollment record open until the student shows up. When the student shows up, then receiving services should be ‘Absent’ on the count dates. If any pupils are absent on the count date, they can still be counted if all of the following conditions are met:

  • they have attended at least one day during the school year prior to the count date;

  • they have attended at least one day during the school year after the count date; and

  • they have remained a resident of the district during the period of absence.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation

entryDate : 08/22/2022
exitWithdrawDate: blank
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-TFS
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#A
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-2FJ
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#A

Note for testing : While testing for this use case

  • Verify SIS wire up count date recieving services

  • Understand the attendance calculation by SIS.

  • Actual testing can be done from 3.2 use case


Sending an enrollment record for a student who has not attended before TFS count date but shows up a day after count date

If the student has not enrolled a day before membership TFS count date, then the countDate receving services for TFS should be left blank.

Because the student showed up after TFS, which is before 2FJ, and continues to be enrolled after 2FJ, then countDate receiving services could be Present/Absent.

  • 'P' if present on 2FJ count date.

  • 'A' if absent on 2FJ, but attended a day before and day after 2FJ count date


POST on /studentSchoolAssociation

entryDate : After TFS (10/01/2022)
exitWithdrawDate: ““
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-2FJ
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#P or A

Note for testing : While testing for this use case

  • Verify SIS wire up count date recieving services

  • Understand the attendance calculation by SIS.

  • Actual testing can be done from 3.2 use case


Sending enrollment record for student who moved to new school within the district but has gap in enrollment because of non-school days

If student has two enrollments: one from District A School A, and another from District A school B

At School A, the student is Present on TFS count date, then the enrollment ended before 2FJ. In this case, the Count Date Receving Services for 2FJ should be left blank.

At School B, the student does not have enrollment until after TFS date and is Present on 2FJ. In this case, the Count Date Receiving Services for TFS is left blank, and the Count Date Receiving Services for 2FJ is 'P’.

As long as student qualifies for membership, the attendance gap in the enrollment does not change anything.

POST on /student

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School ID

  • Full-time equivalency =1

  • Enroll date = 09/01/2022

  • End date = 11/01/2022

  • Grade level = 5

  • Residency status = ‘NULL'

  • Is Primary =True

  • Enrollment Type = P

  • Count Date Receicing Services = M-TFS / P

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School B

  • School ID

  • Full-time equivalency =1

  • Enroll date = 11/10/2022

  • End date = NULL

  • Grade level = 5

  • Residency status = ‘NULL’'

  • Is Primary = True

  • Enrollment Type = P

  • Count Date Receicing Services =M-SFJ / P

Submitting district = Resident district

Even though multiple enrollment exist within the school, LEA only counts the student once for each count date. Pupil count is at LEA level.

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ steps >Resident Head count

LEA 1 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =1

SFJ Resident Head count =1


Sending enrollment for student who is present on TFS count date, but did not show up to school after TFS and remained enrolled elsewhere through out the school year

If a student is present on TFS date, then the Count Date Receiving Services TFS is Present.

When a student doesn’t show up after TFS, then:

  • If LEA is aware of enrollment elsewhere, then end the enrollment on the last date of attendance.

  • If LEA is unaware of enrollment elsewhere, then its up to to the LEA practice to end the enrollment.

Student Present on TFS and not receiving services on SFJ

POST on /student

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School ID

  • Full-time equivalency =1

  • Enroll date = 09/01/2022

  • End date = 11/01/2022 - Note: ending or not endng the enrollment is up to LEA.

  • Grade level = 5

  • Residency status =‘NULL’

  • Is Primary =True

  • Enrollment Type = P

  • Count Date Receicing Services = M-TFS / P

Submitting district = Resident district

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ > Not meeting criteria

LEA 1 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =2 ( this number accounts use case 3.2 as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1


Sending enrollment for a student who is moved to county program outside of district after TFS count date and did not come back to regular education. County pays for the program

If a student is enrolled in District A from 09/01/2022- 11/01/2022. then moved to a county day program on 11/02/2022. This student qualifies for TFS memberhsip count, but doesn't qualify for 2FJ memberhsip counts.

  • When an LEA ends the enrollment on 11/01/22, then submit only M-TFS as ‘P/A

  • When LEA does not end the enrollment and it looks like a continuous enrollment even though the student moved to county program, then submit M-TFS as ‘P/A’ and M-2FJ as 'N'.

LEAs/Vendors should leave the count dates as blank/NULL if they end the enrollment, and 'N' if they do not end the enrollment.

Student Present on TFS and not receiving services on SFJ because he is placed in county program

POST on /student

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School ID

  • Full-time equivalency: 1

  • Enroll date: 09/01/2022

  • End date: 11/01/2022 - Note: ending or not endng the enrollment is up to LEA.

  • Grade level: 5

  • Residency Status: blank

  • Is Primary: True

  • Enrollment Type: P

  • Count Date Receicing Services: M-TFS / P and M-2FJ / N

Verify in SIS how LEA calculates membership if student placed in county progam. County prorgam is not part of un common use cases that are listed below. Please document LEA practices for this .

Submitting district = Resident district

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ > Not meeting criteria

LEA 1 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =3 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1


Sending the receiving services on an alternative count date for Pupil Count

There can be two basic scenarios--an unplanned situation or a planned event--that would result in an LEA requesting an alternative count date for the statutory-required pupil counts: third Friday in September or the second Friday in January.

  • An unplanned situation, such as weather conditions or other unforeseen events that lead to the district not operating on the standard count date

  • A planned event, approved by the school board where the district is closed and no students will be receiving instruction.

For those cases, the LEA will need to contact DPI’s School Financial Services (SFS) team and explain the situation and specify the alternative date they are requesting. Once the request is approved, then the alternative count date will be used Pupil count inclusion calculations.

The SIS should be able to report/calculate the Pupil count receiving services based on the alternate count date..

For SFS team: Input alternate count date in WiSFiP

DPI calculates count inclusion based on alternate countdate

For testing: student Present on TFS and A on SFJ . LEA uses alternate count date

POST on /student

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School id

  • Full-time equivalency: 1

  • Enroll date: 09/01/2022

  • End date: blank

  • Grade level: 5

  • Residency Status: blank

  • Is Primary: True

  • Enrollment Type: P

  • Count Date Receicing Services: M-TFS - P, M-SFJ -

Use a new LEA 2 for testing.

Submitting district = Resident district

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ > Not meeting criteria

LEA 2 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =1

SFJ Resident Head count = 1


Sending the count date information for student who has multiple enrollment records within the same LEA and is reported as ‘Not Receiving Services’, but has attendance before and after the count date in the LEA

A student could have multiple enrollment records within the same LEA with only one enrollment covering the count date, but the student was present before and afetr the count date.

SSA 1 - School A: Present before the TFS count date, but SSA doesn’t cover the TFS count date
SSA 2 - School B: Absent all dates, but SSA covers the TFS count date
SSA 3 - School C: Present after the TFS count date, but SSA doesn’t cover the TFS count date

In this case, the LEA will see a validation message in WISEdata Portal, and needs to review the student attendance and enrollments and override the count date Receiving Services as needed.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation - School A, where the student was present at least one day before the count date, and the enrollment doesn't cover the count date:

schoolId: 123 (school A)
entryDate: "2024-09-02",
exitWithdrawDate: "2024-09-13",
exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor: "uri://dpi.wi.gov/exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor#ETC",
fullTimeEquivalency: 1,
_EXT: "WI":
localEducationAgencyId: " ",
beginDate: "2024-09-02",
residencyStatusDescriptor" "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#R",
endDate: "2024-09-13"
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: "uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#P",
countDateNameDescriptor: " "
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: " "

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation - School B, where the student was absent the entire enrolment period, and the enrollment covers the count date:

schoolId: 345 (school B)
entryDate: "2024-09-16",
exitWithdrawDate: "2024-11-01",
exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor: "uri://dpi.wi.gov/exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor#ETC",
fullTimeEquivalency: 1,
_EXT: "WI":
localEducationAgencyId: " ",
beginDate: "2024-09-16",
residencyStatusDescriptor" "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#R",
endDate: "2024-11-01"
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: "uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#P",
countDateNameDescriptor: "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-3FS",
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: "uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#N" >> Override to 'A - Absent'


POST on /studentSchoolAssociation - School C, where the student was present at least one day after the count date, and the enrollment doesn't cover the count date:

schoolId: 679 (school C)
entryDate: "2024-11-04",
exitWithdrawDate: " ",
exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor: " ",
fullTimeEquivalency: 1,
_EXT: "WI":
localEducationAgencyId: " ",
beginDate: "2024-11-04",
residencyStatusDescriptor" "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#R",
endDate: " "
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: "uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#P",
countDateNameDescriptor: " ",
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: " "


Reporting Full Time Equivalency (FTE) for the Pupil Count Collection


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve

WiSFiP Pupil Count Module


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve

WiSFiP Pupil Count Module


Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) student in preschool special education

The student count data includes membership FTE (full-time equivalent) for school finance purposes. Membership for school districts reflects residency, not enrollment.

LEAs should submit an FTE status on each enrollment record. students who aren’t yet 1st grade age, aren’t in 4K or kindergarten, but are just receiving IEP services are in Pre school Special education

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

fullTimeEquivalency: 0.5
entryGradeLevelDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#PK

This is covered under Head start down below.

Additonaly test for

Age 3, 4, 5 in PK with IEP . Follow the Head start use case 27.0


Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) student who’s 4 years old and enrolled in 4K program

For state aid purposes, 4K students are counted as 1.0 FTE (full time equivalent) in the pupil counts. <https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/policy-budget/pdf/COPY_2021-23_DPI_Budget_Summary_Governor_Publish_2.26.21.pdf>

LEAs should submit an FTE status on each enrollment record.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:
fullTimeEquivalency: 1
entryGradeLevelDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#K4



Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) as 0.5 for a student who’s 4 years old and enrolled in 4K program with a minimum of 437 hours of instruction

4K students may be counted as either 0.5 FTE or 0.6 FTE (if additional hours of outreach are provided), regardless of whether the 4K program is operated as a part-day or a full-day program.

4K students with at least 437 hours of instruction are counted as 0.5 FTE . <Four-Year-Old Kindergarten Outreach>

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

fullTimeEquivalency: 0.5
entryGradeLevelDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#K4

Use LEA 1 from use case 3.2 to enter data for this student. Make sure to add all the membership data attributes. Follow the 3.2 use case.

Select a 4 yr old porgram with 437 hrs on WisFIp for LEA 1

Create a WISEid and post a student

Make sure by current date student is 4 in K4

Test for FTE = 0.5


LEA 1 > 4 yr in K4( 1/2) > Part1 > Resident Head Count = 1


Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) as 0.6 student who’s 4 years old and enrolled in 4K program with 437 hours of instruction and 87.5 additional hours of parent outreach activities

4K students may be counted as either 0.5 FTE or 0.6 FTE (if additional hours of outreach are provided), regardless of whether the 4K program is operated as a part-day or a full-day program.

4K students with 437 hours of instruction + 87.5 additional hours of parent outreach activities (524.5 hours total) are counted as 0.6 FTE . <Four-Year-Old Kindergarten Outreach>

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

fullTimeEquivalency: 0.6
entryGradeLevelDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#K4

Use LEA 1 from use case 3.2 to enter data for this student. Make sure to add all the membership data attributes. Follow the 3.2 use case.

Select a 4 yr old porgram on WisFIp for LEA 1

Create a WISEid and post a student

Make sure by current date student is 4 in K4 (524.5 hours +87.5 hours)

Test for FTE = 0.6


LEA 1 > 4 yr in K4( 1/2) > Part1 > Resident Head Count = 1


Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) student who’s 5 years old and enrolled in KG program

Five year-old kindergarten (KG) pupils are counted as:

  • 0.5 FTE if attending 1/2 day

  • 0.6 FTE if attending 3 full days of instruction each week.

  • 0.8 FTE if attending 4 full days of instruction each week.

  • 1.0 FTE if they attend school five full-days a week.

LEAs should submit an FTE status on each enrollment record.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

Example : 0.5 FTE if attending less than full-time but at least 437 hours a
school year.

fullTimeEquivalency: 0.5
entryGradeLevelDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#KG

Use LEA 1 from use case 3.2 to enter data for this student.

Create a WISEid and post a student

Make sure by current date student is 5 in KG

Test for each FTE = 0.5, 0.6, 0.8. 1


LEA 1 > 5 yr in KG ( 1/2) > Part1 > Resident Head Count = 1

LEA 1 > 5 yr in KG ( 3 full) > Part1 > Resident Head Count = 1

LEA 1 > 5 yr in KG ( 4 full) > Part1 > Resident Head Count = 1

LEA 1 > 5 yr in KG ( 5 full) > Part1 > Resident Head Count = 1


Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) student whose 5 years old and enrolled in a blended kindergarten program

LEAs should submit an FTE status as NULL/Blank on each enrollment record.

When FTE is NULL for 5-year old kindergarten has a student program as ‘5 yr old Blended’, DPI treats them as blended.

5-year old kindergarten- DPI pre-fill the counts for 5 years old and enrolled in a blended kindergarten program.

Submitting District = Resident District

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

fullTimeEquivalency: NULL
entryGradeLevelDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#KG

POST on /StudentProgramAssociation

Program Type : Other

Program Name: 5 yr old Blended

Use LEA 1 from use case 3.2 to enter data for this student.

Create a WISEid and post a student

Make sure by current date student is 5 in KG

Grade level should be KG

FTE is blank

enrollment = P

Is primary = True

Add a blended program on / SPA


LEA 1 > 5 yr old blended > Part1 > Resident Head Count = 1



Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) student enrolled in grade level 1-12

LEAs should submit an FTE status on each enrollment record.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

fullTimeEquivalency: 1
entryGradeLevelDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/GradeLevelDescriptor#1-12

This use case is covered in other test cases.


Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) student who is part-time, home-schooled, or attending a private school

If a student is attending a public school part-time, then the enrollment type should be Coursework with less than 1.0 FTE (full time equivalent). 0.25 FTE per course per pupil, up to a maximum of 0.50 FTE (two courses) per pupil.

  • This applies for all grade levels: If the enrollment type is Coursework, then FTE is < 1.0

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

fullTimeEquivalency: < 1.0
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#C

This use case is tested under use case 21.0 and 22.0


Sending a full-time equivalency (FTE) student who is attending an independent charter school (ICS)

Independent Charter Schools (ICS) are not included in the PI-1563 report. ICS’s submit the MC-1567 [for more info, see https://dpi.wi.gov/parental-education-options/charter-schools/current/2r-membership].
However, ICS’s have to report enrollment records to WISEdata Portal for Accountability purposes.

Students enrollend in an ICS, should have the Residency Status as 'R', and the fullTimeEquivalency should follow the grade level rules (see use cases above).

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation:

entryDate: 2022-08-10
primarySchool: true
fullTimeEquivalency: 1
partTimeInstructionalMinutes: Null
enrollmentTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EnrollmentTypeDescriptor#P
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-TFS
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#P
countDateNameDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateNameDescriptor#M-2FJ
countDateReceivingServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/CountDateReceivingServiceDescriptor#P

residencyStatusDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ResidencyStatusDescriptor#R
beginDate: 2023-09-22
endDate: 2023-12-22
localEducationAgencyId: (Resident LEA ID)

Students enrolled in an ICS will NOT be included in the Head Count reported by the resident district in WiSFiP.

Head Count: Resident Students (does not include part-time home/private school, PPP)


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve

WiSFiP Pupil Count Module


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve

WiSFiP Pupil Count Module


Sending a resident student who’s receiving primary educational services

Resident students to whom the school district is directly providing educational services are eligible for inclusion in pupil counts

The attending district in this case is the same as resident district.

The resident district submits an enrollment records for the student.

Submitting district = Resident district

Posting /student, /SSA, /SEOA is Covered under use case 3.3-4.0


covered under use case 3.3-4.0


Sending a resident student who’s enrolled in a Youth Apprentice program

The Youth Options statute (118.55) was renamed the Early College Credit Program (ECCP). For more details, see https://dpi.wi.gov/dual-enrollment/eccp

Students enrolled in Youth Apprentice programs for which the district is paying full-time instructional (tuition) costs are eligible for inclusion in pupil counts.

In the old pupil count submission School Finance required to identifythe student as YA. In the new process it is not require to identify seperatly. These students are added to Resident Head count

The resident district submits the enrollment record.

Submitting district = Resident district.

This student in terms of sending to WISEdata will look the same as previous use case

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School ID

  • Full-time equivalency =1

  • Enroll date = 09/01/2022

  • End date = 11/01/2022 - Note : ending or not endng the enrollment is up to LEA.

  • Grade level = 5

  • Residency status =‘NULL’'

  • Is Primary =True

  • Enrollment Type = P

  • Count Date Receicing Services = M-TFS / P

Verify if SIS is sending YA students up to WISEdata and submitting /student, /SSA,/SEOA as covered in use case 3.3-4.0

Ask SIS to send student identified as YA in their SIS,

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ > Not meeting criteria

LEA 1 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =4 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1


Sending a student who’s attending a partnership school (For MPS only)

Students attending a partnership school (at-risk program designed to meet high school graduation requirements in the school district or within 5 miles of district) are included in the headcount.

In the old pupil count submission School Finance required to identifythe student as Partnership In the new process it is not require to identifyseperatly. These students are added to Resident Head count

MPS only

Submitting district = Resident district.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School ID

  • Fulltime equivalency =1

  • Enroll date = 09/01/2022

  • End date = 11/01/2022 - Note : ending or not endng the enrollment is up to LEA.

  • Grade level = 5

  • Residency status =‘NULL’'

  • Is Primary =True

  • Enrollment Type = P

  • Count Date Receicing Services = M-TFS / P

Verify if SIS is sending Partnership students up to WISEdata and submitting /student, /SSA,/SEOA as covered in use case 3.3-4.0

Ask SIS to send student identified as Partnership in their SIS,

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ > Not meeting criteria

If testing with MPS

LEA 1 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =5 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1

If not a MPS then do not test this use case which is why total count doenot change

TFS Resident Head count =4 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1


Sending a student who’s enrolled in a section 118.15 contract

Students enrolled in a “section 118.15 contract” program (generally referred to as GED, HSED or CBO programs) are eligible for inclusion in pupil counts.

See this doc for more details: https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/sfs/pdf/guidelinesforcounting-Febuary-2021.pdf
s. 118.15 Contracts - Student is a resident and meets all the following criteria. Student attends under Wis. Stat. § 118.15. A written agreement between the school board and a representative of the high school equivalency program or program leading to the student's high school graduation must be in place prior to the student's admission to the program. These programs are typically referred to as General Equivalency Diploma (GED), High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED), or Community Based Operations (CBO).

In the old pupil count submission School Finance required to identify the student as 118.15 contract. In the new process it is not require to identify seperatly. These students are added to Resident Head count

Submitting district = Resident district.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School ID

  • Fulltime equivalency =1

  • Enroll date = 09/01/2022

  • End date = 11/01/2022 - Note : ending or not endng the enrollment is up to LEA.

  • Grade level = 5

  • Residency status = ‘NULL’'

  • Is Primary =True

  • Enrollment Type = P

  • Count Date Receicing Services = M-TFS / P

Verify if SIS is sending 118.15 contract students up to WISEdata and submitting /student, /SSA,/SEOA as covered in use case 3.3-4.0

Ask SIS to send student identified as 118.15 in their SIS,

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ > Not meeting criteria

If testing with MPS

LEA 1 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =6 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1

If not a MPS then

TFS Resident Head count =5 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1


Sending a student who’s enrolled in an Early College Credit Program (ECCP)

Students enrolled in "Early College Credit Program (ECCP)" programs for which the district is paying full-time instructional (tuition) costs are eligible for inclusion in pupil counts

The resident district submits the enrollment record. As per the Career Education (CE) data, ECCP students should be submitted as Dual Enrollment.

In the old pupil count submission School Finance required to identify the student as ECCP. In the new process it is not require to identify seperatly. These students are added to Resident Head count

Submitting district = Resident district.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation School A for grade 1-12

  • School ID

  • Fulltime equivalency: 1

  • Enroll date: 09/01/2022

  • End date: 11/01/2022

  • Grade level: 5

  • Residency Status: blank

  • Is Primary: True

  • Enrollment Type: P

  • Count Date Receicing Services: M-TFS / P

Verify if SIS is sending ECCP students up to WISEdata and submitting /student, /SSA,/SEOA as covered in use case 3.3-4.0

Ask SIS to send student identified as ECCP in their SIS,

Grade 5

Resident distict > TFS steps >Resident Head count

Resident distict > SFJ > Not meeting criteria

If testing with MPS

LEA 1 - grade 1-12 .

TFS Resident Head count =7 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1

If not a MPS then

TFS Resident Head count =6 ( this number accounts prior use cases as well)

SFJ Resident Head count =1

Students Attending a Non-Residents District

Resident Students who are Primarily Homeschooled or Enrolled in a Private School

Students who transition mid-year (Change of Residency or Residency Status or both)

Students who are outside of the age requirement

Non-Resident Homeschooled Students

3-Year-Old Programs

Chapter 220

Uncommon Student Use Cases

Students Not Meeting the Membership Criteria

JSON Sample:


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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction