Use Cases for the 2022-23 SY

WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs

Use Cases for the 2022-23 SY

Informational: IB Schools (/schools) - Public Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Retrieving the 2022-23 School data (School ID, School Name, Grade Level, IB Indicator, etc.) from the WISEdata API

SIS vendors should be able to (not required to) do a GET on /schools and ingest the school details into their system.

GET on /schools

Tribal Affiliation, Non-binary Gender, and SATA (/studentEducationOrganizationAssociations) - All LEAs


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Sending the student's Tribal Affiliation

  • Tribal affiliation data is optional, but highly recommended. This data property amy be collected for students whose race is reported as American Indian or Alaska Native.

  • Students' tribal affiliation data should flow to the WISEdata on the /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation endpoint at the time of enrollment and whenever the student's data is updated (through online registration forms, the SIS, or the parent portal).

  • If parents, guardians or students did not provide the tribal affiliation, then the LEA is not obligated to submit this data.

  • A student can only be affiliated with one American Indian Nation, which is the Tribal Nation/Community that the student is either enrolled in or a direct descendent of or identify with.

  • SIS vendors should be aware of Tribal Affiliations that are NOT federally recognized for which the Namespace is different.

POST on /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations:
tribalAffiliationDescriptor: uri://ed-fi.org/TribalAffiliationDescriptor#Bad River Band



Sending the Gender for a transgender or non-binary student

Starting in the 2022-23 school year, Non-Binary (X) will be added as a gender option.

  • If a gender change is requested, then the LEA may change the gender in WISEdata Portal. The LEA may change the gender value reported to WISEdata through the SIS.

  • The gender value in the WISEid Application will be updated through a nightly job that copies data from WISEdata Portal to the WISEid Application .

  • Valid values are: Male (M), Female (F), and Non-binary (X).

  • Vendors must ensure the Student Identity Integration is also updated to send the Non-Binary (X) if selected (/identities. SexType: X)

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations
sexDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/SexDescriptor#X


Sending student Characteristics: State Assessment Type-Alternate (SATA)

LEAs are no longer required to submit SATA as a student characteristic.

  • SIS vendors should not report SATA as a studentCharacteristicDescriptor to WISEdata Portal.

  • DPI has turned off all validation messages related to this data element.

  • DPI has removed ‘SATA’ as a code value for studentCharacteristicDescriptor in the 22/23 SY. Vendors who send ‘SATA’ in the 22/23 SY will receive an API error.

Should not submit SATA as a studentCharacteristicDescriptor on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociations.

Exit Type Changes (/studentSchoolAssociations) - All LEAs


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Updating the ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor code values

Simply updating the ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor code values on the existing /studentSchoolAssociation endpoint.

  • Starting 2022-23 SY, DPI will no longer accept Prior Completion Credential (PCC) as an ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor.

  • Also, starting 2022-23 SY, DPI will start collecting Compassion Exit (CE) as an ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor.

POST on /studentSchoolAssociations:
exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor#CE

Language Instruction Services (/studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation & /section) - Public Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Sending Language Instruction Services for English Learners

The codes values and definitions for the LanguageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor have been changed for the 2022-23 SY. (See descriptor details above: /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation (Public LEA Only) | Descriptors & Programs: )

POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation:
languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor#BI-DLTW
primaryIndicator: true


Sending Language Instruction Services as ‘OTHER’

When school districts select ‘OTHER’ as a language instruction educational program, the program must be described for review and approval as outlined in the Title III-A English Learners section of the ESSA LEA Plan (through the WISEgrants Application).

  • LEAs who select ‘OTHER’ as languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor will receive Warning 7170 in WISEdata Portal

POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation:
languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor#OTHER


Sending the Language of Instruction on the class level as par tof Roster data.

LEAs should send the primary “predominant” language of Instruction (not the language of learner).

  • SIS vendors should send the language of Instruction (instructionLanguageDescriptor) on /Section.

  • SIS vendors should send data if a course is taught in other languages. Otherwise, leave as Null/Blank.

  • If instructionLanguageDescriptor is not provided, DPI assumes language of Instruction is Eng.

This data set will allow DPI teams to correlate student academic performance data with education program model and academic subjects taught in English versus languages other than English (LOTE). It will also help DPI identify cohorts of educators for professional learning and growth related to this work.

POST on /section:
instructionLanguageDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor#ara


Sending language program services for a student who is proficient in English but still receiving language program services

If the student is receiving language instruction services beyond the second year of monitoring, such as a Bilingual/ESL program, LEA may choose (not required) to submit that data as a regular student program association /studentProgramAssociation (SPA).

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation:

limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#6

POST on /studentProgramAssociation:

programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#LIEP-ESL
programName: Integrated ESL


Sending a student who a native English speaker sitting in bilingual language program class

In some exceptional cases, students could be native English speaker and receiving language program services. In such cases, LEAs do not submit /SLIPA and instead may choose (not required) to submit /SPA.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation:

limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#7

POST on /studentProgramAssociation:

programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#LIEP-Bilingual
programName: Transitional Bilingual-Late Exit

Timely Initial Evaluations (/studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociations & /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation ) - Public Only


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Use Case Title

Use Case Description

What to Submit/retrieve


Sending a school-aged (3-21) student whose evaluation process is completed within in 60 days with no exception.

When parents provide consent for evaluation and the evaluation is completed within the 60-day timeframe, then the that LEA completed the evaluation submits /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA)

  • LEA has a WISEid for the student and an enrollment record (studentSchoolAssociation) submitted for the student

When the LEA receives a referral to evaluate the student and determine their eligibility for special education services, then the LEA must do the following within 15 business days:

  • Send the parents a notice of receipt of referral

  • Conduct a review of existing data

  • Send the parents either a notice that no additional testing is required or a notice seeking consent to conduct the additional testing.

The 60 calendar day timeline begins either:

  • On the date, the district sends the notice that no additional testing is required, or

  • On the date, the consent for the additional testing is received by the district

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation
consentToEvaluationReceivedDate: 2022-08-01
educationOrganizationId: 1139
educationOrganizationId: 48856
programName: Special Education
programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#SPED
studentUniqueId: 4272783785
eligibilityDeterminationDate: 2022-08-16
eligibilityEvaluationTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EligibilityEvaluationTypeDescriptor#I
evaluationCompleteIndicator: true
ideaIndicator: true
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a student who is IDEA eligible

Completed within 60 days

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility indicator is ‘True’, then the LEA completed the evaluation submits a /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) record and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
ideaIndicator: true
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a student who is not IDEA eligible

Completed within 60 days

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility indicator is ‘False’, then the Resident LEA (FAPE district) submits a /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) record and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record

POST on /studentSchoolAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation
ideaIndicator: false
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation was completed beyond the 60-day timeline

When parents provide consent for evaluation and the evaluation was completed past the 60-day timeframe, then the LEA completed the evaluation submits /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) and provide a valid Evaluation Delay Reason to the 60-day timeframe that applied or provide at least one Late Reason.

  • The Evaluation Delay Reason (i.e. exception) is submitted when the evaluation is not/will not be completed within the statutorily defined 60-day timeline and a State identified exception to this requirement applies.

  • The Evaluation Late Reason is submitted when the evaluation is not/will not be completed within the statutorily defined 60-day timeline and a State identified exception to this requirement does NOT apply.

  • The Evaluation Late Reason cannot also be supplied when a Evaluation Delay Reason is submitted, and vice versa.


  • LEA has a WISEid for the student

  • LEA has an enrollment record (studentSchoolAssociation) submitted for the student

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
consentToEvaluationReceivedDate: 2022-08-01
educationOrganizationId: 1139
educationOrganizationId: 48856
programName: Special Education
programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#SPED
studentUniqueId: 4272783785
eligibilityDeterminationDate: 2022-10-03
eligibilityEvaluationTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EligibilityEvaluationTypeDescriptor#I
evaluationCompleteIndicator: true
evaluationDelayReasonDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EvaluationDelayReasonDescriptor#C; OR
evaluationLateReason: “e.g. parent unavailable
ideaIndicator: true
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a student who is IDEA eligible

Completed after 60 days

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility indicator is ‘True’, then the LEA completed the evaluation submits a /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) record and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record




POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
ideaIndicator: true
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a student who is not IDEA eligible

Completed after 60 days

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility indicator is ‘False’, then the LEA completed the evaluation submits a a /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) record and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SEPEA) record.

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
ideaIndicator: false
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation is completed, but the student is homeschooled and not enrolled at the LEA.

When parents provide consent for evaluation and the evaluation is completed for homeschooled student, then the district where the homeschooled student resides submits a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record.


In this case, a student enrollment records (SSA) doesn’t exist; therefore, the LEA needs to create a student WISEid and submit /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) in order to be authorized to post /SSEPEA.

  • SIS vendors should NOT send a /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation (SEOA)

  • Only /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) authorizes SEOA.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending a student who is IDEA eligible

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility is True’, then the LEA completed the evaluation needs to create a student WISEid then submits a /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) record and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
ideaIndicator: true
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a student who is not IDEA eligible

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility indicator is ‘False’, then the LEA completed the evaluation needs to create a student WISEid then submits a /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
ideaIndicator: false
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation is completed, but the student enrolled in a private school (not the LEA who completed the evaluation)

When parents provide consent for evaluation and the student is enrolled in a private school, then the district where the private student resides submits a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SEPEA) record.

NOTE: if the private school that is located outside of the resident district, then the district in which the private school is located will complete the evaluation and would complete the Indicator 11 reporting.


In this case, a student enrollment records (SSA) doesn’t exist; therefore, the LEA needs to create a student WISEid and submit /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) in order to be authorized to post /SEPEA.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending a student who is IDEA eligible

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility indicator is ‘True’, then the LEA completed the evaluation needs to create a student WISEid then submits a /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) record and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
ideaIndicator: true
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a student who is not IDEA eligible

When the evaluation is completed and the IDEA eligibility indicator is ‘False’, then the LEA completed the evaluation needs to create a student WISEid then submits a /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
ideaIndicator: false
ideaPartDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/IDEAPartDescriptor#B


Sending a student whose evaluation was completed in an MPS school (e.g. Riverside Hi), but is enrolled in either Carmen or MCP schools (e.g. Carmen Mid/Hi Northwest Campus or Milw College Prep--Lloyd St)

This use case is only for vendors who support Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS).

Carmen Schools of Science and Technology and Milwaukee College Prep (MCP) are Charter Schools authorized by Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). For more information, visit Currently Operating Charter Schools

The student’s initial evaluation is generally completed by the resident school district, which is in this case the MPS school. Therefore, the MPS school submits a /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) record and a/studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SEPEA) record.

NOTE: The Carmen or the MCP school, where the student is enrolled, is responsible for submitting the school enrollment record (SSA) along with other data element to WISedata Portal.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending a student below compulsory school attendance age (0-3) whose evaluation is completed for under three years of age program

Data for children below the compulsory school attendance age is not collected in WISEdata. This means SSA cannot be submitted for these students. Therefore, When parents provide consent and the evaluation is completed , then the LEA is required to create a student WISEid and submit a /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) and a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record.

POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending a student below compulsory school attendance age whose evaluation is completed by county school for under three years of age program

When a county schools evaluates the student, then it is not required to submit a /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SEPEA) record to WISEdata.

Nothing to POST


Sending a school-aged student who is enrolled in an LEA that picked up an evaluation that another LEA completed for transfer students

When a student transfers from LEA A, who completed the evaluation, to another LEA B, then:

  • LEA B submits /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) for the student

  • LEA A submits /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) and studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA)


  • LEAs have a WISEid for the student

LEA B POST on /studentSchoolAssociation


LEA A POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation process was not completed in LEA A, then the student moved to LEA B to continue the evaluation. The student is enrolled in LEA B.

  • LEA A does NOT submit /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) nor studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA)

  • LEA B evaluates the student and submits /studentSchoolAssociation (SSA) record an a studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record


  • LEA has a WISEid for the student






Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation process was not completed, and the parent stops the evaluation (revoked consent or transferred to another LEA)

  • When the LEA receives parental consent for initial evaluation, they must submit a SSEPEA record.

  • However, when the parent stops the evaluation process (revoke content or transfer the student before evaluation is completed), then the LEA must delete SSEPEA record submitted.


LEA receives parental consent for evaluation:

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation

If the student is not enrolled in the LEA, then POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation

Parent stops the evaluation:

DELETE on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending the initial evaluation for a student whose consent is received is in the 22-23 SY, but the eligibility is determined for the 23-24 SY

The reporting year is based on when the 60 calendar day timeline begins (July 1, YY through June 30, YY+1). It may include children for whom consent to conduct the evaluation was received during the summer months.

In this case, the child would be included in the 2022-23 SY data as the consent to evaluate was received during that school year.

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation

If the student is not enrolled in the LEA, then POST on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation


Sending the initial evaluation for a student whose consent is received is in the 22-23 SY, but the eligibility is not determined before either Nov 2023 or Feb 2024

Data for Indicator 11 needs to be included in the Annual Performance Report (APR) that is due on February 1 of each year.  The data included in the APR is for the prior reporting year (example, Indicator 11 reported on Feb, 2023 for the 22-23 SY). Therefore, LEA must submit data to WISEdata by November 15.

In this case, LEA will submit the studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) within 60 days of receiving parental consent for evaluation as not determined.

  • If evaluation is incomplete or was completed past the 60-day timeline, then the LEA must send the Evaluation Delay Reason Descriptor (Transfer, Child Unavailable, or Initial SLD Eval) or the Evaluation Late Reason, which is a free-text field.

  • The Evaluation Late Reason cannot also be supplied when a Evaluation Delay Reason is submitted, and vice versa.

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation:
evaluationCompleteIndicator: false
evaluationDelayReasonDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/EvaluationDelayReasonDescriptor#I; OR
evaluationLateReason: “e.g. parent unavailable


Sending the initial evaluation for a student who is open enrolled-out in a non-resident district

The non-resident district (the attending district where the student is enrolled) completes the evaluation and submits the studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA) record.

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending the initial evaluation for a student whose Last Evaluation date on /SSEPA is the same as the initial evaluation

It is possible that the Last Evaluation Date on studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation (SSEPA) is the same date as the Eligibility Determination Dated on studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (SSEPEA).

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending multiple eligibility in the same school year and same LEA

If a student is found ineligible the first time, then the LEA may send a second evaluation. However, there can’t be an overlap in the initial evaluation process from the same LEA

  • DPI will use the eligibilityDeterminationDate to check for overlapping SSEPEA records.

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Sending multiple eligibility in the same school year but different LEAs

A parently-placed private student can have evaluations done in two district: the resident district and the district where the private school is located.

These SSEPEA records could overlap.

POST on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation


Deleting the eligibility records for a student

  • LEAs should not be able to delete SEORA when there is a SSEPEA and no other SSA in the LEA

  • LEAs should not be able to delete SSA when there is a SSEPEA present in the LEA

SIS vendors should handle deleting child records before deleting the enrollment record (studentSchoolAssociation).

DELETE on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation
Then DELETE on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation

DELETE on /studentSchoolAssociation
Then DELETE on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation

Change in the DisabilityDescriptor (studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation)- Public Only

Food Service Eligibility (studentSchoolFoodServicesProgramAssociation) - All LEAs

Student Learning Modality (/studentProgramAssociation) - Public Only

Transition from SCED 8.0 to SCED 9.0 (/courses ) - Public Only

World Language Education - Public Only

Pupil Count Report for Membership - Public Only

SIS Requirements for the Choice Audit - Choice Only

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction