WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs
/studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation (Public LEA Only)
Jaidaa Shafaei
This endpoint is NOT expected from Choice schools.
Ed-Fi Tech Docs: https://techdocs.ed-fi.org/display/EDFICERT/v3+Student+Program+%3E+StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation
Data Properties:
# | Property Name | Data Type | Public (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Choice (Required/ Optional/ Conditional) | Business Definition | Data Element Page |
1.0 | beginDate* | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | The earliest date the student is involved with the program. Typically, this is the date the student becomes eligible for the program. | |
2.0 | educationOrganizationId* | integer | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | The identifier assigned to an education organization. | |
3.0 | programName* | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | The formal name of the Program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. The value is: Language Instruction Education | |
4.0 | programTypeDescriptor* | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | The type of program, which is ‘uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#LIEP’ | NA |
5.0 | studentUniqueId* | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a student. | |
6.0 | endDate | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | The month, day, and year on which the Student exited the Program or stopped receiving services. | |
7.0 | englishLanguageProficiencyAssessments | array |
| An unordered collection of studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociationEnglishLanguageProficiencyAssessments. Results of yearly English language assessment. | NA |
8.0 | monitoredDescriptor | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | Student is monitored on content achievement who are no longer receiving services. | |
9.0 | proficiencyDescriptor | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | The proficiency level for the yearly English language assessment. | |
10.0 | schoolYear | integer | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | Key for School Year | |
11.0 | languageInstructionProgramServices | array |
| An unordered collection of studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociationLanguageInstructionProgramServices. Indicates the service(s) being provided to the Student by the Language Instruction Program. | NA |
12.0 | languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor | string | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | Indicates the service being provided to the student by the Language Instruction Program. | |
13.0 | primaryIndicator | boolean | CONDITINALLY REQ'D | NOT REQ'D | True if service is a primary service. |
Descriptors & Programs:
Namespace | Code Value | Short Description | Description |
Namespace | Code Value | Short Description | Description |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/MonitoredDescriptor | 1 | Year 1 | Monitor Year 1 |
2 | Year 2 | Monitor Year 2 | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProficiencyDescriptor | 1 | ELL/LEP Beginning Preproduction. | ELL/LEP Beginning Preproduction. (WIDA label: Entering) |
2 | ELL/LEP Beginning Production. | ELL/LEP Beginning Production. (WIDA label: Beginning) | |
3 | ELL/LEP Intermediate. | ELL/LEP Intermediate. (WIDA label: Developing) | |
4 | ELL/LEP Advanced Intermediate. | ELL/LEP Advanced Intermediate. (WIDA label: Expanding) | |
5 | ELL/LEP Advanced. | ELL/LEP Advanced. (WIDA label: Bridging) | |
6 | Formerly ELL/LEP, now fully English proficient | Formerly ELL/LEP, now fully English proficient | |
7 | Fully English proficient, never ELL/LEP | Fully English proficient, never ELL/LEP | |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor | BI-AIHL | American Indian Heritage Language Bilingual | American Indian indigenous language, and English, used to facilitate language, literacy and/or academic content learning. Indigenous language used for less than 50% of daily core instructional time. Language is being renewed/reclaimed in the community. |
BI-DLDB | Dual Language Education - Developmental Bilingual | Minimum of 50% of daily core instruction in partner language. Language of instruction guided by the program's language-content-time allocation policy (90/10, 80/20, 50/50). | |
BI-DLTW | Dual Language Education - Two-Way Bilingual | Pre-K through grade 5, with program continuation into secondary school. Minimum of 50% of core instruction in partner language in grades PK-5. Language of instruction guided by the program's language-content-time allocation policy (90/10, 80/20, 50/50). High school dual language education programs include a minimum of two courses annually in the partner language. | |
BI-HL | Heritage Language Bilingual | Heritage language used for less than 50% of daily core instructional time. | |
BI-INTSPED | Bilingual - Integrated SPED | ELs with IEPs could be served within all LIEP environments. This category is ELs with significant cognitive disabilities. | |
BI-NEW | Newcomer Bilingual | Newcomer programs are generally stand-alone learning environments designed to meet the socio-cultural, language, and academic needs of newly arrived immigrants. These programs prepare newcomers with readiness to transition to regular LIEPs. | |
BI-TBEE | Transitional Bilingual - Early Exit | Students’ home language is used, in addition to English, to teach academic content. As proficiency in English increases, instruction in the students’ home language decreases. Transition to all English is complete by mid-to-late elementary school, typically within 1-3 years. | |
BI-TBLE | Transitional Bilingual - Late Exit | Students’ home language is used, in addition to English, to teach academic content. As proficiency in English increases, instruction in the students’ home language decreases. Transition to all English is complete by late elementary school, typically 4-6 years. Differs from a developmental bilingual program if the amount of instruction in the partner language falls below 50%. | |
ESL-INTSPED | ESL - Integrated SPED (For 2023-24 SY and later) | ELs with IEPs should be served within all LIEP environments. This category is ELs with significant cognitive disabilities. | |
ESL-CB | Content-Based ESL | Instruction in which content is used as the medium for building English Language skills, the primary focus remains on learning English. | |
ESL-INT | Integrated ESL | English Language Development is facilitated through an EL educator’s or EL educator supported paraprofessional pushes into the general education setting. The EL teacher or paraprofessional may be supporting ELs during a mini-lesson or wait for instruction to be complete before working in a small group with ELs. Content teachers may be supported in language proficiency development. | |
ESL-NEW | Newcomer ESL | Newcomer programs are generally stand-alone learning environments designed to meet the socio-cultural, language, and academic needs of newly arrived immigrants. These programs prepare newcomers with readiness to transition to regular LIEPs. | |
ESL-SA | Stand-Alone ESL/ELD | Special Instruction in English in which English Learners are “pulled-out” from mainstream classes or enrolled in specialized ESL classes. | |
ESL-SEI | Structured English Immersion (SEI) | An approach for rapid English language development in a non-threatening setting to gradually release students into the mainstream setting. | |
ESL-SI | Sheltered ESL Instruction | Instruction that includes both language and content simultaneously. Primary focus is on academic content learning with the acquisition of English being part of the instructional outcomes. | |
MISS | No LIEP Available | ELs receive academic instruction in a mainstream classroom and have no contact with a licensed EL or bilingually certified educator or LIEP programs described above. Support structures for English Learners and staff serving ELs is not continuous nor evident in dIstrict or school-wide plans. | |
OTHER | Other | Other researched-based LIEP not described in this crosswalk. Program must be described for review and approval in the End-of-Year Report as outlined in the state approved ESSA LEA Plan. | |
REF | Caregiver Refusal | Caregiver opts out of LIEP services offered by the district for the current year. Students retain their EL status and the district remains obligated to take the affirmative steps and appropriate actions, required by federal law, to provide access to its educational programs. | |
Namespace (Program Type) | Code Value | Description (Program Type) | Program Names |
uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor | LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | Dual Language Education - Two-Way Bilingual |
LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | Dual Language Education - Developmental Bilingual | |
LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | Transitional Bilingual-Early Exit | |
LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | Transitional Bilingual-Late Exit | |
LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | American Indian Heritage Language Bilingual | |
LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | Heritage Language Bilingual | |
LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | Newcomer BilingualBilingual - Integrated SPED | |
LIEP-Bilingual | Language Instruction Education Program - Bilingual Program | Bilingual - Integrated SPED | |
LIEP-ESL | Language Instruction Education Program - ESL Program | Content-Based ESL | |
LIEP-ESL | Language Instruction Education Program - ESL Program | Sheltered ESL Instruction | |
LIEP-ESL | Language Instruction Education Program - ESL Program | Integrated ESL | |
LIEP-ESL | Language Instruction Education Program - ESL Program | Newcomer ESL | |
LIEP-ESL | Language Instruction Education Program - ESL Program | Structured English Immersion (SEI) | |
LIEP-ESL | Language Instruction Education Program - ESL Program | Stand-Alone ESL/ELD | |
LIEP-ESL | Language Instruction Education Program - ESL Program | ESL - Integrated SPED | |
LIEP-OTHER | Language Instruction Education Program - Other | Other |
Use Cases:
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
# | Use Case Title | Use Case Description | What to Submit/retrieve |
1.0 | Sending assessment details and language program services for an English language learner who is newly identified as EL based on the screener | Any new student in grade KG (five-year-old)-12 who is identified as a possible English Learner (EL) based on their Home Language Survey (HLS) must be administered an approved ELP Screener within 30 days of enrollment to determine EL status and, if EL, to determine the appropriate ELP code. The results of the screener must be used for new students who have not yet taken ACCESS for ELLs®.
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: (based on current year screener test results) POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation: monitoredDescriptor: (not required for EL 1-5) |
2.0 | Sending assessment details and language program services for an English language learner who is continuing as EL in the current school year | English Language Proficiency codes should be determined based on the prior year administration of the ACCESS for ELs exam for most students. Students who complete ACCESS for ELLs® receive an Overall Composite Proficiency Level Score that reflects the results of ACCESS for ELLs® testing across multiple domains. The Overall Composite Proficiency Level Score, if available, will be used by WISEdata to verify that an appropriate English Language Proficiency code (ELP code) is sent for the student. The Overall Composite Proficiency Level Score from the prior year is used for this verification. | POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: (based on current year screener test results) POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation: monitoredDescriptor: (not required for EL 1-5) |
3.0 | Sending Language Instruction Services for English Learners | The codes values and definitions for the LanguageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor have been changed for the 2022-23 SY. (See descriptor details above: /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation (Public LEA Only) | Descriptors & Programs: ) A primary LIEP service must be indicated with a true/false indicator (primaryIndicator). The primary LIEP is the one in which a student spends the majority of their time. LEAs may send secondary language instruction services. | POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation: |
4.0 | Sending Language Instruction Services as ‘OTHER’ | When school districts select ‘OTHER’ as a language instruction educational program, the program must be described for review and approval as outlined in the Title III-A English Learners section of the ESSA LEA Plan (through the WISEgrants Application).
| POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation: |
5.0 | Sending the Language of Instruction on the class level as par tof Roster data. | LEAs should send the primary “predominant” language of Instruction (not the language of learner).
The primary purpose of collecting data on course language of instruction (language through which teaching and learning is facilitated) is: This data set will allow DPI teams to correlate student academic performance data with education program model and academic subjects taught in English versus languages other than English (LOTE). It will also help DPI identify cohorts of educators for professional learning and growth related to this work. | POST on /section: |
6.0 | Sending assessment details and language program services for previous English language learner who is proficient in English (first year as proficient) based on prior year assessment | English language learners who are now proficient (EL code 6) are monitored for two years on content achievement. This data element should not be submitted for English language learners with proficiency codes 1-5, students who were never English language learners (EL code 7), or students who have completed two years of monitoring.
Typically, when students are a level 6, they are exited from programming. With that said, that doesn't foreclose an LEA from providing some language instruction services to address any residual learning gaps, but DPI does not expect LEAs to report an LIEP service any longer -- unless they are reclassified back into programming. LEAs may want that information for their own purposes internally -- that kids are still being served, but for reporting purposes, DPI doesn’t require reporting LIEP services for proficient (ELP 6) students at their 1st and 2nd year of monitoring. | POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#6 POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation: englishLanguageProficiencyAssessments: |
7.0 | Sending assessment details and language program services for previous English language learner who is proficient in English (second year as proficient) based on prior year assessment |
Typically, when students are a level 6, they are exited from programming. With that said, that doesn't foreclose an LEA from providing some language instruction services to address any residual learning gaps, but DPI does not expect LEAs to report an LIEP service any longer -- unless they are reclassified back into programming. LEAs may want that information for their own purposes internally -- that kids are still being served, but for reporting purposes, DPI doesn’t require reporting LIEP services for proficient (ELP 6) students at their 1st and 2nd year of monitoring. | POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#6 POST on /studentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation: |
8.0 | Sending assessment details and language program services for previous English language learner who is proficient in English (third year as proficient) based on prior year assessment | For students who have completed two years of monitoring, the language instruction program association is no longer needed to be submitted to WISEdata. The ELP code on /SEOA should be submited as 6. | POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#6 |
9.0 | Sending language program services for a student who is proficient in English but still receiving language program services | If the student is receiving language instruction services beyond the second year of monitoring, such as a Bilingual/ESL program, LEA may choose to submit that data as a regular student program association /studentProgramAssociation (SPA).
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#6 POST on /studentProgramAssociation: programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#LIEP-ESL |
10.0 | Sending a student who a native English speaker sitting in bilingual language program class | In some exceptional cases, students could be native English speaker and receiving language program services. In such cases, do not submit /SLIPA instead submit /SPA.
| POST on /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor#7 POST on /studentProgramAssociation: programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#LIEP-Bilingual |
11.0 | SIS ability to support recording two years of ACCESS scores at the same time, but only send one to WISEdata | ACCESS for ELs administered in the winter for the following school year (generally from early December until early February).
| ACCESS for ELs administered in the winter for the following school year should NOT trigger any changes on /SLIPA and /SEOA for the current year. |
JSON Sample:
"educationOrganizationReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 2097
"programReference": {
"educationOrganizationId": 48856,
"programName": "Language Instruction Education",
"programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#LIEP"
"studentReference": {
"studentUniqueId": "2864038075"
"beginDate": "2023-07-02",
"endDate": "2024-06-05",
"englishLanguageProficiencyAssessments": [{
"monitoredDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/MonitoredDescriptor#02",
"proficiencyDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProficiencyDescriptor#6",
"schoolYearTypeReference": {
"schoolYear": 2024
"monitoredDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/MonitoredDescriptor#01",
"proficiencyDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProficiencyDescriptor#6",
"schoolYearTypeReference": {
"schoolYear": 2023
"languageInstructionProgramServices": [{
"languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor#ESL-INT",
"primaryIndicator": true
"languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor#BI-DLTW",
"primaryIndicator": false
"courseOfferingReference": {
"localCourseCode": "LCC-121941",
"schoolId": 1302,
"schoolYear": 2023,
"sessionName": "Sessions-121941"
"sectionIdentifier": "Section-121941",
"instructionLanguageDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/LanguageDescriptor#ara",
"mediumOfInstructionDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/MediumOfInstructionDescriptor#Pre",
"sequenceOfCourse": 1
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