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1.0 | Sending student program association: Section 504 or Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) | For current school year, the Begin Date on studentProgramAssocuation (SPA) should not be greater than the End Date. For current school year, the Begin Date and End Date on studentProgramAssocuation (SPA) should not be outside DPI school year. If there are multiple SPA records, then the Begin Dates and End Dates should not overlap
| POST on /studentProgramAssociation: programReference: educationOrganizationId: 48856 programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#504 programName: Section 504 Placement beginDate: 2023-08-01 endDate: 2024-06-05 POST on /studentProgramAssociation: programReference: educationOrganizationId: 48856 programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#Co programName: Coordinated Early Intervening Services beginDate: 2023-08-01 endDate: 2024-06-05 |
2.0 | Updating the student program association after the student is out of the program (Section 504 or CEIS) | If a student dropped out of the program: For CEIS, it is recommended to update the End Date of the of SPA record to the date the student is no longer in the program For Section 504, it is required to update the End Date of the of SPA record to the date the student is no longer in the program
If a student re-enrolled in the program: For CEIS, it is recommended to create a new SPA record with a Begin Date as the date student is identified in the Program For Section 504, it is required to create a new SPA record with a Begin Date as the date student is identified in the Program
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3.0 | Sending the Learning Modality for how students are participating in instruction (school level) | Public schools will submit the school level indicator via WISEgrants in which they can indicate which learning modalities the school is offering and if that modality is: Offered to all students, Offered to some students, Offered to no students. | NA |
4.0 | Sending the Learning Modality for how each student is participating in instruction (student level) | Public schools should submit a student program record detailing what modality each student is in (e.g. In-person or Remote). When a Learning Modality program type is not present for a student in WISEdata, then it is assumed that the student is in the default modality for the school. | POST on /studentProgramAssociation: programReference: educationOrganizationId: 48856 programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#Modality programName: Hybrid beginDate: 2022-08-22 endDate: 2023-06-30 |
5.0 | Sending the student learning modality when modality of an individual student changes, and the student is attending a non-virtual school. | When a student attending a non-virtual school has a long-term modality shift in their learning modality, e.g. FROM ‘in-person’ TO ‘hybrid’ or ‘remote’, then a new student program record needs to be submitted and the previous student program record needs to be ended. If a subsequent long-term modality shift occurs from learning modality ‘remote’ or ‘hybrid’ back to ‘in-person’, then the student program record previously sent that contained learning modality of ‘remote’ or ‘hybrid’ should be ended, and a new student program record needs to be submitted. Overall, a temporary change in modality doesn't warrant a burden for the LEA to report the change. If the change becomes a long-term modality shift then a modality change is warranted. Long-term modality change: There is no expectation the student will move back to the learning modality that currently applies. Temporary modality change: It is expected the student will move back to the learning modality that currently applies after the temporary circumstances resolve (e.g. quarantine period, etc.).
| POST on /studentProgramAssociation: programReference: educationOrganizationId: 48856 programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#Modality programName: Remote beginDate: 2022-08-22 endDate: 2023-10-15 POST on /studentProgramAssociation: programReference: educationOrganizationId: 48856 programTypeDescriptor: uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#Modality programName: In-Person beginDate: 2022-10-16 endDate: 2023-06-30 |
6.0 | Sending the student learning modality when modality of an individual student changes, and the student is attending a virtual school. | When a student has a long-term modality shift FROM attending remote in a virtual school TO an in-person in a non-virtual school, then the student's enrollment in the virtual school should be ended, and and a new enrollment should be created for a non-virtual school. In this scenario, no student program record detailing modality would be expected as the modality default would apply based on the type of school. | /studentProgramAssociation with learning modality is not expected. LEA is expected to end the existing /studentSchoolAssociation and send a new one from the new school. |
7.0 | Sending student program association: Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) (2023-24 and after) | The description for the programType of 'Co' (Cocurricular Programs) is modified to become ‘Coordinated Early Intervening Services’ to match programName For current school year, the Begin Date on should not be greater than the End Date. For current school year, the Begin Date and End Date on should not be outside DPI school year. If there are multiple /studentProgramAssociation records, the Begin Dates and End Dates should not overlap SIS vendors should not roll-over the CEIS program association from the previous year. LEAs must verify the data for students served under CEIS every year.
| POST on /studentProgramAssociation: educationOrganizationReference: educationOrganizationId: 7525 programReference: educationOrganizationId: 48856 programTypeDescriptor": "uri://dpi.wi.gov/ProgramTypeDescriptor#Co programName: Coordinated Early Intervening Services studentReference: studentUniqueId: 8660232105 beginDate: 2023-08-22 endDate: 2024-06-30 |